Tag: Ariaste

So as with everyone else I’m loving your hallelujah vid and the “minor fall/major lift” scene was flawless (I actually got the sauntering vaguely downward reference before I even noticed it was the falling in love scenes). And the hallelujah rise with crowley throwing his hands up. But I also loved how during the “maybe theres a god above” you used crowley. Bc in the entire series we only see one person talking/praying to god. And it;s the FALLEN ANGEL. Loved it.!


YEAH!!!!! Technically there’s that scene where Aziraphale is “calling” God but it really is framed that way–as a phone call, rather than a prayer, though it uses the surface level palms-together-eyes-closed posture of prayer. 

As you say, Crowley’s the only one doing the shouting-at-the-ceiling variety of talking to God, which is the most prayerlike prayer you can make, IMO. I also have some half-formed theories that he has a more personal and intimate relationship with God than any other character in the show? For one thing, there’s the tone and wording of the one-sided conversation he has with her vs the two Aziraphale has (one when he’s phone-call “praying” and the “Where’s the flaming sword I gave you, Aziraphale?” scene). If English had retained its formal-vs-informal “you/thou” distinction, Aziraphale would be horrified to use anything else but You (formal) to God, whereas Crowley is clearly thouing it up all over the place (informal/familiar).

Also I feel like he thinks about her and her motives more actively than anyone else – he doesn’t just write it off as “ineffable”, he asks questions. He presses because he wants to UNDERSTAND, not just blindly accept.

You know how when writers have a favorite character, they love them so much that they put them through all manner of hell and torture, just to watch them shine? I think Crowley might be God’s favorite character.


HEY FUCKOS WHO WANTS THEIR HEART RIPPED OUT OF THEIR CHEST AND HUGGED? Here is a fanvid to the Pentatonix version of “Hallelujah” because we weren’t feeling enough of, y’know, The Exquisite Ache Of Tenderness

also oh my godddddd i am a fancy professional fantasy author and Hugo-nominated podcaster, and that means Perfectionism!!!!!!! and that is why I wrestled for TEN HOURS with just the two seconds of smashcuts at 4:05. TEN HOURS!! They kept being just a tiny little bit off and I couldn’t unsee it, but I have vanquished it so godfuckingdammit give me your wahoos, give me all your wahoos.

The original thesis of this video was “*princess bride voice* every time they sang Hallelujah what they really meant was I love you”

Halle-fucking-lujah, babes

Ariaste does it again!







hi sorry i just realized something and now I am speculating about whether Crowley keeps houseplants and yells at them as a reframing device/coping mechanism to deal with the repressed trauma of Falling (read: being cast out of the Garden?)

like here he is, being INTENSE PERFECTIONIST AND CONTROL FREAK (in a way that he isn’t, in the rest of his life) and the second one of his plants shows a flaw, even a single leaf spot, he puts it down the garbage disposal, discarding it the way he felt he was discarded????

crowley, go to therapy

go to therapy, crowley

(or possibly he did go to therapy and the therapist was the one who suggested he get a hobby like gardening and he twitched a bit and went “mmm yeah Gardening, right. i can go make a Garden for myself sure. right. it’ll be very therapeutic.” it is not very therapeutic, it is just picking at an old scab)



Hey Alex, quick question, who gave you the right and second of all *incoherent sobbing*


FOLLOW UP: imagine how Crowley feels when Aziraphale comes into his flat and looks at his objects of self-externalization plants and loves them and coos over them and praises them and gives Crowley a stern look and says he shouldn’t be so mean to the poor things, they’re doing their best

imagine how that feels, imagine how it feels to have someone take the punching bag you’ve taped your own face to, and instead they hug it, how fucking gobsmacked would you be about that