Four to beam down, Mr Scott!
This is is possibly the coolest Star Trek TOS fan art I’ve ever seen!
No, but seriously, where did this come from? Who is the artist? Where was this taken?
It’s an art installation at the Microsoft office Studio D in Redmond, Washington, made by Devorah Sperber. It’s made of 75,000 beads.
Tag: Beads
I can feel…the serotonin and dopamine dropping…i need to make…Crafts
i must make…
b e a d l i z a r d
B e a d l i z a r d
I have seen these things for years but never knew how to make them so I must thank op for this new knowledge
op has given me the best gift possible
ive been making them for four days
Am… am I back in the 90’s?
Bead animals were my JAM in the 90’s!! And you don’t have to limit your creativity to lizards, either! With a few adjustments, you can make anything!
AND with a little practice, you can even make them 3D shaped (especially with the smaller beads and wire, though you can make them with the bigger beads and string, to an extent)