Tag: Biscuit patriotism














people get surprisingly heated over what the fuck a biscuit is. 

Put a european and an american in a room with a plate of both kinds of biscuits and they lose their fucking minds and all suddenly become super patriotic

why would you bring up the Forbidden Biscourse

Because people should know what happens when a server is a 50/50 split of europeans and americans and the dangers it brings

cant believe the first ever hardline discord rule wasnt “no bigotry” or even “no horny on main” but in fact “no Biscourse”

meanwhile confused scandinavians and assorted europeans stare at this English Language Fuckery

The streets were painted red in the blood of native english speakers. Those that learned english gazed in horror as they have difficulty to comprehend just the sheer magnitude of power a small grain confectionery could contain.

No man knows not of the rage of that being the man whose language is questioned. 

Not to mention the deeply held passions shared by the participants for bread and sweets. It’s the only true thing to be patriotic about in both countries at this rate and we try to encourage optimism.

# yall haven*t even mentioned the fact that it got rated 18+ # like for a food discourse it stays remarkably on topic # probably because the biscourse is a mockery of all other internet discourses # gets all of the argumentative energy out in a way that leaves you laughing at how utterly ridiculous the whole thing is # its ruined online arguments for me because they read just like the biscourse and then i cant take them seriously

look aeneas, some sins should be left to rest unmentioned many of us said things that we arent proud of things got heated

things got baking hot you might say

it didnt knead to get so heated to warrant the age gate but it did

Hey @thebibliosphere, as somebody who has lived on both sides of the pond and had both forms of biscuit, what’s your opinion on what a biscuit should be?

Biscuit to me will always be the UK kind. Cookie is a very specific type of biscuit, but I tend to use “cookie” universally because I don’t want to have to engage in “I love British people, I feel it’s my spiritual home. “Telly”, “bloody hell”, “crumpets” lol” thing that happens when certain people find out you’re from there.

US biscuits are always scones in my head too and I still refer to them as such, cause y’know, savory scones are a thing too. They’re not the exclusive reserve of preserves and clotted cream, contrary to things anglophiles say.

*Throws a very patriotic-looking American biscuit at you*

You’re wrong and you should feel bad.

Good thing those things have the texture of a wet sponge or that might have hurt 😛