The breadsticks thing to me is hilarious
I think it must be another Europe/America thing bc my whole life ‘breadsticks’ have been these hard crunchy thin stick things you buy them at the supermarket and it says breadsticks on the box
Never in my life has anyone around me referred to an actual stick of bread as a breadstick lmao
But then we don’t have Olive Garden either
wait, that’s not what they’re talking about?
Are you telling me this meme is not about grissini? My life is a lie!
I… did wonder why there would be such a focus on going to somewhere with unlimited dry wheat twigs. Googling ‘olive garden breadsticks’ does seem to suggest a tastier thing.
this changes everything
I mean, I thought it was odd that they everyone was so excited about breadsticks… but then I thought, well, it’s America…
Wait they’re talking about actual bread???
… I want American breadsticks. ;_;
@goodbyecassiel – this is the Great Breadstick Misunderstanding, companion to the Epic Lemonade Confusion post