Tag: calligraphy

On medieval art now sadly lost








(Scene: a romantic bedroom in Barcelona. ELODIE and the DR are in bed. ELODIE is sleeping while DR GLASS reads, like a nerd.)

ELODIE: *laughs self awake*

DR GLASS: what are you dreaming of, (romantic endearment)?

ELODIE: (asleep) “Hounds in the Pursuit of Booty.”


DR GLASS: what.

ELODIE: the 15th century Flemish tapestry. YOU know.

DR GLASS: what.

ELODIE: (asleep, annoyed) see, here on the card. Flemish tapestry, circa 1451. “Hounds in the pursuit of-”

DR GLASS: are you in a museum?

ELODIE: yes, in the medieval art section!

DR GLASS: is this a real tapestry, or your imagination?

ELODIE: (cognitive dissonance, wakes up) it’s… Oh. I was dreaming.

DR GLASS: what was this tapestry about???

ELODIE: you know. Medieval hounds pursuing a stag with a human butt.

DR GLASS: (speechless)

ELODIE: you know. A stag with a big round human butt. And the hounds were pursuing it. “Hounds in the Pursuit of Booty.”

This post is a few years old but tumblr suddenly suggested I use the tag again. So fuck yes.

@9thbutterfly reminded me of this and I was like … HAHA YEAH. HOUNDS IN THE PURSUIT OF BOOTY. GETS ME EVERY TIME

Elodie you really do have the best ideas.

hang on this is perfectly within my wheelhouse

i’ve frozen in petrified fear

unclench, @elodieunderglass









odin is like “when thor was born the sun shone bright upon his beautiful face. i found loki on the sidewalk outside a taco bell”

Oðinn spake:

Bright the sun shone | at the time of Þor’s birth,
And bathed his count’nance fair.
Loki, wolf-father, | the trickster, the liar,
I found on the cold pavement
While returning in glory | from a grand hunt
For a 3 AM quesadilla.


I need this framed on my wall it’s so beautiful. 


ay @systlin hmu


My husband complained that this was more Shakespeare than Eddas, and I challenged him to do better.

Solen sken, skönt gyllene

Dagen Tor föddes

På trottoaren, vid Taco Bell

Där låg Loke


My translation:

The sun shone, sweet golden

The day of Tor’s birth

On the tarmac, by Taco Bell

There lay Loki

(For poetry reasons, Thor needs the Swedish spelling.)


ay yo show ur husband 

How to run a successful calligraphy blog on tumblr


So fun fact–I’ve gone into the calligraphy tag on tumblr, and plenty of times I’ll see people who post pieces that are, quite frankly, better than mine. And yet, they will often have a total of 0 notes. And it’s because they don’t understand that tumblr isn’t instagram. They have the edge with calligraphy, but I’m better at understanding how to operate tumblr–does it matter if theirs is better if no one sees it? So, I figured I’d outline some of the ways to run a successful calligraphy blog on tumblr!

  • Only the first 5 tags will show up in the tags. If you use serach, or go on mobile the first 25 will show up, so make sure to put the 5 most important tags first
  • Instagram is solely pictures and videos. Tumblr is Not. So while there is a calligraphy community, it isn’t the same as instagram. So definitely use “calligraphy” in the first tag, BUT if you use a quote from, let’s say a marvel movie, have the other 4 tags be marvel related.
  • Like don’t spam the tags by tagging things that don’t apply, but this is tumblr–there will be plenty of blogs who will then see calligraphy and lettering for the first time
  • (tbh less of an exposure to calligraphy means that their standards will also be lower on instagram. it’s easier to get a following while also then improving
    • something about tumblr that is completely different about instagram is that now these non lettering blogs will reblog your things, then exposing even more people to calligraphy who would never even follow that kind of blog
  • another point of tags with tumblr? use spaces. u s e. s p a c e s. Instagram you have to fit it within one hashtag. You do not have to do that with tumblr. When people search for things, they use spaces. If it doesn’t it won’t be found
    • and then the only people who will then see things are the ones who are also on instagram, which defeats the purpose of even using tumblr as another social media platform
  • so use spaces
  • something that I do is leave my askbox open to requests! at this point I get so many requests that I usually keep it closed BUT this is a pretty good way to accumulate and keep followers. People see that maybe you’ll make something for them, and they become ride or die since you made them something, and then are much more likely to reblog what you made, and tell their friends about it
    • this isn’t instagram, where all they can do is like it or comment. all of their followers will see it. tumblr is more interactive in a lot of ways than instagram–take advantage of it.
    • But, something that I do to accumulate commissions is to make rules about requests. I have word limits, won’t do full names or anything not safe for work, or color specific requests. If they want those things, then we can talk about commissions.
    • don’t let people pull you around–sometimes people can be demanding, but you are giving them things for free.
  • reblog other people’s calligraphy along with posting your own! if you really want to get their attention, put tags of commentary about what you think! it’s how you make friends on here and those are also the people who will then reblog your things! (plus it’ll make what you do more fun! success aND fun! always good!)
  • these are just a few tips and tricks for how to manage a great calligraphy blog, so go out and make calligraphy!