A recent research team attached GPS trackers to a group of pet cats to track their whereabouts when their owners were not around or sleeping. The daily movements of the pet cats surprised many owners. Take a peek below.
We’ve spoken out of this blog multiple times about the dangers outdoor cats are exposed to when they roam. Here’s a gps tracking study that shows exactly how far from their ‘safe home base’ outdoor cats in Wales actually go in just one night.
“When you speak to a lot of cat owners they say: “Oh my cat just (…) doesn’t go anywhere.” (…) Some of the cats have “gone three kilometeres from home”.”
This cat went in such a straight line it can only have been following a major road for a long period.
This cat went more than a kilometer into the wilderness at night, potentially exposing itself to all sorts of urban and rural predators.
This cat traveled repeatedly through the yards of other houses as well as spending a good amount of time in the middle of the road.
Don’t think your cat travels? It does. Keep your cats indoors. Keep them safe.
Well that’s a beautiful image to think of, isn’t it?
nice girl with horns, but I can do you one better.
002 is best darling.
God tier pilot material
I’m screaming??? When did this happen????
when did what happen?
Who are these people?? Where have they come from???? Why are they reblogging a shitpost about my cat??????
so, basically, @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses reblogged your post, @mysterious-forest-guardian and I are mutuals who made a thread, and now I am following you. SO the answers to your questions in order: We Are The Gaudience, We came From the Shadows, and we had ideas so we posted them.
Also I’m just gonna leave a picture of my cat here
Whenever possible use Fame as an opportunity to spread photos of your cat