Chris Evans’ 1967 Camaro RS “Steve Rogers” Edition designed by Robert Downey Jr. There’s the shield, of course, but Dave Salvaggio from Speedkore also said that Downey designed the interiors inspired by Steve Rogers’ leather jacket in the first Avengers movie. He gifted the car to Chris in Atlanta when they were done filming Infinity War.
“In fact, during the audition with Chris Evans, the script says, “Spidey flips into scene,” and Tom goes, “Oh, should I do that?” Evans is like, [sarcastically] “Oh, yeah. Yeah, you just flip into the scene kid. No, you just walk in.” He does it. A standing flip, jump, flip, land. Even Chris Evans was like, “What…what happened?” – Kevin Feige, producer and President of Marvel
You hire Spider-Man and you fucking got Spider-Man.
Chris’s face just says “why is there a child in pyjamas cartwheeling towards me”