[Image: Illustrated pattern of brightly-wrapped presents on a green background. Credit: Viscious-Speed]
Spoonie Holiday Survival Masterpost
The holidays are great, for sure, but they’re also a huge source of stress and exhaustion—not the best for our sensitive selves. But fear not! We’ve got a collection of resources here to help you get through these cheery weeks with minimum pain and maximum festivity!
We’ll add to this as resources pop up, so definitely check back
- Tips On Managing Chronic Illness at Christmas (When Tania Talks) —Coping, pacing, and dealing with friends & family.
- Chronic Christmas: Surviving The Holidays with a Chronic Illness (Lene Andersen) —A book-slash-advent-calendar with self-care tips and ways that family and friends can support you ($4 digital/$9 print).
- Low Spoons Christmas (@frameacloud) —List of nice ways to get in the spirit of Christmas, ordered by amount of spoons needed.
- How to Create Your Own Authentic Holiday Season… and Bypass the Craziness (Chronic Babe) —Make the holidays your own by brainstorming what matters most to you, then put it in action!
- The ADHD Brain Holiday Prep List and Printable (Squirrel Box) —Holiday prep list templates; covers some general (but still spoonie-centric) concerns.
- Yup. I’m That Person Who’s Finished Their Shopping Already (@digestivecookie)
—How one spoonie with Crohn’s gets through the season. Highlights
include these fabulous new terms: aggresting and pre-eating.- And finally: just a reminder to check your prescription med coverage mid-December and order refills if needed, before the pharmacies all shut down.