I’m posting this gif almost entirely because of this mans untuck…
dbz landing.
for a while i thought this was just reversed, but then i realised that you can’t reverse the landing.. WHAT THE F*CK. How you do that son?!
i can barely get out of bed without tripping
and then there’s this asshole
This is some graceful, superhero shit right here.
Hi yes I would like to report a lost super hero.
There’s a springboard, I think.
Even with a springboard. I remember those things from school, they didn’t give you that much boost
HI, so everyone that is amazed by this, this is a quick explanation by some ond who taught tumbling for 6 years and competed for another 5.
1. hes either on an air track (unlikely due to the amount of control) or a rod floor going into a pit with mats. A rod floor has fiberglass rods going through out it giving more bounce than a spring floor for gymnastics and less bounce than a trampoline track. And the way it looks when bouncing I would put my money on a rod floor.
2. Hes coming out of a back hand spring or a back whip, which is a traveling skill that gains more and more power if done correctly with proper form. So hes probably doing a tumbling passe that started with a roundoff into a back handspring into what’s in this gif.
3. When touching the ground out of the first skill in the gif, he first rebounds straight up. So the rebound then is turned into a front tuck kick out. BUT (!!!!) Since his momentum is moving in one direction once hes in the air again he cant change that force of movement to go in a different direction. So once hes going in this direction –> he cant change direction until hes on the ground again.
4. So what’s really cool about this is the fact hes doing a front skill going backwards. Which takes a lot of control and a lot of trust in ones body, and REALLY good coaches.
And there is no spring board here, at all. Spring boards are for vault or a mounting skill for beam and bars. And spring boards give tons of bounce if used correctly. That’s kinda the whole point, but they are hard to use with out training. So that’s a basic break down of what’s going on here!!!
Am I the only that thinks Bucky is going to be the more lighthearted one of the two in the Falcon and Winter Soldier series, cause bro:
Sam looks so annoyed in every scene with Bucky. In this gif, he’s stressed, the “I left my oven on and I’m pretty sure that’s my building burning in the distance” kind of stressed and BUCKY LOOKS LIKE AN ACQUAINTANCE HAPPILY JOGGING ALONG AS UNWELCOME MORAL SUPPORT AND IT SEEMS TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THEM. Even when they’re fighting Peter, Bucky doesn’t grow more frustrated he’s kind of just like, “Damn,” and Sam is like, “mOTHERFUC-”
These situations are among the worst Sam has ever been in.
Bucky? Shit, any day Nazis are not electrocuting him is a fucking great day.