This is part of why art that depicts the female experience is so important because on one hand for women and girls it allows us to go ‘oh I have that experience too’ and those that aren’t in our bodies can look at it and go ‘wait, that happens to you?’ // Brie Larson for Yahoo
I think it’s hilarious that this interviewer dude honestly thinks some gross guy telling us to smile is uncommon enough for them to have to go in after the fact and add a scene in that depicts that experience.
He totally thought wednesday could lift him i’m dead
Honestly she probably could have.
The Addamses may well be the healthiest, most functional family unit to ever grace the small screen.
I think I’ve told this story before, but I read an article a long time ago that they asked children who watched this show why they loved it. They expected answers to be about how they like the weird, slightly creepy stuff. But no, most of the kids answered that it was because the Mommy and Daddy loved each other so much.
This adorable little robot is designed to make sure its photosynthesising passenger is well taken care of. It moves towards brighter light if it needs, or hides in the shade to keep cool. When in the light, it rotates to make sure the plant gets plenty of illumination. It even likes to play with humans.
Oh, and apparently, it gets antsy when it’s thirsty.
The robot is actually an art project called “Sharing Human Technology with Plants” by a roboticist named Sun Tianqi. It’s made from a modified version of a Vincross HEXA robot, and in his own words, its purpose is “to explore the relationship between living beings and robots.”
oh wow, the “water” is an illusion created by spinning glass rods.
I will reblog this automaton every single time I see it because I adore it and you cannot stop me.
The Silver Swan can be seen at The Bowes Museum in County Durham, England. More about it here.
They still run it, once daily at 2pm. It’s an amazing piece, and I hope to see it one day.
… There can only be one reaction to this wonder.
But seriously, it’s mind boggling that something like that was achieved through clockwork mechanisms from two centuries ago. And that it is so well made that it’s still working to this day.