“Here in the Pacific, 200 metres down, we enter an alien world… This is barreleye a fish with a transparent head filled with jelly so that it can look up through its skull.”– Sir David Attenborough
Furniture has been a part of the human experience for many thousands of years. Evidence suggests that furniture was used as far back as the Neolithic period and daily life without it is unimaginable. So how has furniture changed through the ages? From the exclusive and luxury furniture of Ancient Egypt, to the functional and streamlined design of the Bauhaus – these animations take you on a fascinating journey through the evolution of furniture design.
Learn more about each design following the source link.
Do you ever read a piece of writing advice so awful you’re not entirely sure if it’s satire or not.
If your character is an evil assassin, you might want to refer to his fingernails as daggers or stabbers.
Stabbers. Stabbers. Yep.
A jealous ex-girlfriend might have witch hooks or tentacles. Sugar- or flour-coated hands could be clues that a protagonist is a baker. Or a serial killer with a fetish.
Well this has taken an odd turn.
Use ‘hands’ too often, and the word will annoy readers. English offers a multitude of options.
Oh no.
Analyze what the hands are doing and assign a noun that suits them. In addition to the following, check the Movement section for verbs you could convert into nouns. For example, ‘boo-boo soothers’.
Get the fuck out of here.
shadow puppeteers
See also 300+ Words to Describe Human Skin.
I was looking for something else in my blog and found this post and absolutely lost my shit all over again lmao
If your jealous ex has tentacles you might have other problems.
This gorgeous stinkhorn is easily separated from other veiled stinkhorns – such as Phallus indusiatus and Phallus multicolor – by its cinnabar red skirt. Like other stinkhorns, this fungus emerges from an egg-like sack, with a cap covered in a sticky, foul-smelling, spore-filled gleba, that will be eaten and carried far away by the flies that it attracts. You can see a few flies polishing off the last of the gleba here, which is mostly gone, revealing the red cap beneath.
As far as I know, the edibility of this variety is not known, but its close relative Phallus indusiatus, similar except for a pure white skirt,are considered choice edibles, while stinkhorn ‘eggs’ of all varieties are eaten, though they are not among the best culinary fungi.
Beautiful mushroom, but did they basically name it “cinnamon penis”?
YES! the entire genus is named for thier distinctly… dickish shape. P. indusiatus is edible/tasty and used to be thought to increase virility and longevity, but modern testing has been inconclusive. Here’s a gif of P. indusiatus blooming, becuase it’s still my favorite fungus:
(P. indusiatus roughly translates to “Penis with a pretty skirt)