Tag: Definition

Hello! I’m a big fan! I actually just have a question that I was wondering if you’d be able to help me clarify about chronic pain. Specifically, what exactly does chronic pain mean in terms of persistence of pain? Like, can it be applied to pain that isn’t always there but comes and goes for varying lengths of time, or is it only for pain that is constant and ALWAYS there? I’ve looked online & haven’t really been able to find a distinct answer & was hoping you might be able to shed some light


Chronic pain is pain that is long lasting but does not always need to be present 100% of the time to be considered chronic. To be considered a chronic condition or symptom, it typically has to be present for 3 months or more.

For example, migraines are considered a chronic condition, even though they are (hopefully) not always present. The episodes themselves may be classed as acute attacks, but the condition itself is usually considered chronic as it can be lifelong for a lot of sufferers, even if their symptoms are well managed.

Back pain or knee pain can also be considered chronic, even if it is intermittent and only flares when you over exert yourself. But the thing is, exerting yourself shouldn’t cause that pain to begin with, not if the joint/muscle/area is healthy. A lot of folk don’t realize they’re living with low level chronic pain simply because it’s intermittent and they’ve been conditioned to ignore pain, thinking that if they can power through it’s not serious or necessary to treat (or quite simply, because they can’t afford to go see the doctor for that low level ache that’s always been there.) Which is how a lot of problems can start and manifest later in life as more acute chronic pain that is harder to ignore.

Hopefully that makes sense?

I know some doctors will class it differently, but 3-6 months of pain, even if it’s intermittent, is usually when something becomes classed as chronic, even if it’s “mild”.

{edit} Also thank you! That’s a really sweet thing of you to say 🙂







Is there any word that’s had a wilder evolutionary path than “gothic”?

Seriously, it went from meaning this:

to this:

to this:

and finally ended up as this:

You go you funky word, keep on trucking.

There’s a good reason for that!!!

 Here’s an explanation literally no one asked for, and OP probably already knows, but I like talking about all my hyperfixations, and this covers like four of them. (Now, I’m going off the top of my head and its been a few years since I took an art history class) but the jist of it is that the “new” cathedral style that ended up being called Gothic, was called so, because the flying buttresses and pointed arches, and other pointy, overdramatic details were considered kind of barbaric compared to the older style. I want to say this was the point where cathedrals went from being ‘ornate’ to ‘dear god what the fuck are you even doing?!” 

So basically we have gothic as this word that means, big and old and overdramatic and vaguely threatening. Which goes perfectly with the mood needing to be set by authors who place characters dealing with a crisis of faith, or a crisis of morality, in this big old mouldering expansive tomb of a house that represents everything of the distant past and the dark secrets rotting the foundations of polite society. But…the Victorians worshipped the austere version of the greeks and neoclassical, and all that neat white marble. But also an austerity as far as people went, there was this Christian ideal to aspire to.

So the decrepit tomb aesthetic, the doom and gloom and the decaying manor house, The Fall of Usher thing, it was popular for the same reason anything creepy is popular now. That love for the morbid and forbidden has never not existed. I mean…Bram Stoker’s Dracula was a best seller when it come out because it had all of the above and THEN some.

So far we’ve got Gothic as old and decaying and overdramatic and threatening but also kind of sexy (see gothic romances, or the use of gothic romance/gothic horror to explore Victorian fears and anxieties about sex and death and immorality). 

Fast forward to the late 1970s when Siouxsie and the Banshees distilled that into a look and a performance. They were a punk band, but Siouxsie dressed like a vamp, she had the Theda Bara makeup and wore Victorian lingerie on the outside, but also fishnets and pointy boots. She was the femme fatale. She had the sex and death of both Vampira and Theda Bara, but her and the band had the theatrics of Screamin Jay Hawkins. A journalist described their music as gothic, as an insult, and exploded outward from there. But…they weren’t the sole band to be described this way, or necessarily the first to sound like that or dress like that. But they had enough of all these things to have that word linked to them. And their fans, and The Cure’s fans, and Sister’s of Mercy’s fans, and Bauhaus’ fans, created the subculture and look that we call Goth now. And much of the look has fanned out and expanded from years and years of the world’s most dramatic people trying to outdo each other at the club.

That’s how we got from A to B. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. 

So what you’re telling me is that “gothic” really just means “extra.”

@deadcatwithaflamethrower have you seen this?

I fucking love the idea of interpeting Gothic as EXTRA. YES this.

Of COURSE “gothic” means “extra”. Have you SEEN us?!

Tf is a terf?


A TERF, or Trans-Exclusionist Radical Feminist, is someone who claims to be a feminist but doesn’t respect the gender or sometimes even personhood of trans people.

Essentially, that thing right-wing idiots (that is, right-wingers who are additionally complete fucking tools) do where they call trans people specifically by their deadname, birth gender, or “it”, except slapped on someone who claims to be doing it for the good of gender equality, or more frequently, for “women’s safety.”

The French have a great word to describe them, I believe it’s “imbecile.”