Tag: dreams





Today I learned that cuttlefish experience REM sleep, and that it makes their skin flash random colors. This is the cutest thing ever.

The electric eel at my aquarium has a voltmeter attached to his tank, and whenever he pumps out a burst of electricity–either when he’s navigating his tank or getting fed–the meter lights up and makes noise. Sometimes, I’ll walk past him when he’s snuggled up and totally motionless on his log, and see the voltmeter going crazy.

I am left to assume that he is dreaming, and is sleep-zapping at the things in his dreams.

I am absolutely delighted to learn that electric eels dream of kicking ass.




I had a very David Lynch-inspired dream… I was offered a cup of coffee by A Mysterious Entity that I remember nothing about, and was pleasantly surprised by the flavor.

“Funny,” I said. “I don’t usually drink my coffee black, but this isn’t bad.”

The Entity began to laugh. “That’s not coffee you’re drinking,” it said, darkly.

I paused with the mug to my lips as horror slowly dawned on me. Then something inside my head shrugged, said ‘fuck it’, and tipped the mug back. I did not blink or break eye contact with The Entity as I slowly chugged whatever nightmarish substance it had given me.

There was an awkward silence, and The Entity cleared its throat uncomfortably.

#when the eldritch fucks with you you fuck with it right back