Pretty convenient that a lot of American students never learn that Einstein was a Jew who came to America and started the nuclear research after fleeing from the Nazis and having most of his research lost in the book burnings.
Or how much of his life and work was shaped by his autism, like how it was his biggest asset because it allowed him to think differently, but also his biggest hurtle because of all the abuse he received in school from teachers who labeled him as a dunce and told him he was stupid because of his disability. Which he proved wrong by discovering the theory of relativity because of his autism instead of in spite of it.
EVEN THOUGH THOSE ARE THE TWO MOST RELEVANT DETAILS OF HIS LIFE THAT EXPLAIN HOW AND WHY HE DID ALMOST EVERYTHING HE DID. But nah, Im sure diversity wasn’t relevant enough to be important in this situation.
Its almost like we have a biased school system that censors the accomplishments of marginalized groups to stop them from realizing that people like them have accomplished things.
He taught at Lincoln University after he was told black students couldn’t attend his lectures at other colleges and universities.
Article quote: “In 1946, Einstein, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist traveled to Lincoln University where he gave a speech in which he called racism “a disease of white people,” and added, “I do not intend to be quiet about it.” Lincoln was the first school in the United States to grant college degrees to blacks.”
Remembering someone who cared about education
I didn’t know this about Einstein, all I knew was crazy hair math man. It makes me sad that we never learn about his life.