Tag: elodieunderglass







Lmao exactly. Earths dying but the Notre Dame looks pretty so uwu yay!

Controversial but i feel too strongly about how fucked the distribution of wealth is (especially in America) to not reblog this

I WAS TALKING ABOUT THIS RIGHT HERE^^^^^ oceans are in danger…

The Notre Dame fire was truly heartbreaking, but honestly… imagine the difference we could make if we used that money to help our planet…

The outrage isn’t that money went to Notre dame INSTEAD of *insert serious issue here*. The outrage is that there’s enough money in the world to be able to fix Notre Dame AND environmental damage AND give everyone free healthcare AND fix a slew of other institutional issues but the super rich are simply unwilling to do so for entirely self-serving reasons.

And that’s fucked yo.

The Earth is not dying. It is a planet.

The earth will not die in 12 years. We may have 11 years in which to act to limit the emissions of greenhouse gases to ensure a comfortable and prosperous future for our civilisations, in which future generations have lives of dignity and enjoyment.

Plastic pollution and climate change are two different topics. They intersect in meaningful ways, but are different. One of the meaningful ways that they intersect is the fact that plastic is a petroleum byproduct; if you leave fossil fuels in the ground, then petrochemical companies will no longer have endless supplies of practically-free plastic to foist on everybody.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is mostly composed of old fishing nets. Cleaning it should be the responsibility of nations. Rather than chasing down plastic packaging in grocery stores, people could do great good by addressing the issues of ghost nets, fishing practices and the fact that their home nations will happily consume the food in the oceans without taking any responsibility whatsoever for the oceans.

There is (regrettably) more than a billion dollars in the world. In 2018 the USA decided on a military budget of 700 billion dollars. The global art market for fine art in 2018 was 64 billion dollars, which is slightly less than what Americans spend on their pets every year.

The USA spends about $20 billion every year propping up the fossil fuel industry, giving them subsidies and tax breaks to keep them profitable.

The issue is not that people like landmarks. That is a rather natural response to landmarks, which are sort of meant to evoke emotion and admiration. The issue is that public sentiment is so scattered and fragmented that it gets confused and attacks its neighbor for random impulses, rather than difficult stuff that makes it feel dizzy, “trying to think about the concept of a billion” or “wondering where plastic comes from” or “asking what fossil fuel subsidies are for.”

Slow down for five minutes – there is time and there is money. The trick is pointing them in the right direction.



A reading of @elodieunderglass‘s swan advice to someone worried about being bi. Beware your headphones, I get a bit high-pitched at times sorry!!

[thinking music] [ambient background] [boiling water] [pouring tea] [teacup] [liv tyler] [sword] [owl] [agenda]

This is not only incredible voice acting and delicately crafted background noise, it is vibrating with energy and spirit. I am blown away by the power and talent here and hope that everyone can enjoy it as much as I did.