Being a good person is a choice. Don’t let people fool you into believing that truly good people never have bad thoughts, are never tempted by the easier path, by the low road, never mess up or act out selfishly. Never believe a person can be good without making a conscious effort.
Every single time you do something good, you’ve made a decision to make the world a little brighter.
Goodness is not an inherent trait, it is a choice. Keep making it! I see you, I’m proud of you, and I’m rooting for you!
I know grown ass people who say “this just the way I am” alllll the time
Recognizing your own toxic behaviour is peak adulting. You don’t stop learning once you turn 18+.
My dad is almost 70 and always says he’s still growing, changing, and learning. That’s what life is, an ongoing experience that you gotta be open for change in.
“That’s just how I am” is bullshit, you don’t like it or you see it affects the ones you love negatively, you change that shit.