Tag: Fancy McDonald’s






I love this. There’s another one where they go to a wine tasting and give people a glass from a $20 bottle and they hate it, then a glass from a $200 bottle and they love it. But then they reveal that both glasses are actually from the same $20 bottle.

Wealth and it’s trappings is a false construct meant to elevate those that


This is just like that Penn and Teller “Bullshit” thing where they went to a high-class restaurant and had a “water steward” present different brands of bottled water to people, claiming this water was from a mountain somewhere or that water was from a glacier, and then the people would talk about how different they all tasted. Except all the water came from the same source: The garden hose outside the restaurant.


Never underestimate the power of marketing wank or the gullibility of rich people.