Tag: flute




20 year old beginner: one year of learning flute and butterfly knife skillz šŸ™‚

Fun fact: Adults actually learn thoseĀ ā€œYou need to practice!ā€ skills betterĀ than children do.Ā 

Kids tend to want to do literally anything aside from learning this skill my parent is forcing me to learn.Ā 

Adults actually can sit down and practice things for hours on end. Adults WANT to practice to get their skills better. Adults deliberately set aside time every dayĀ to practice. Even if itā€™s just 20 minutes, itā€™s productive growth and not wiggling in your chair mournfully watching birds out the window.Ā 

Anything from Drawing to Weaving to Violin to fuckin flipping bufferfly knives like a pro – choose a skill and LEARN, dammit! None of thatĀ ā€˜Childrenā€™s brains are more malleableā€™ bullshit. Brain squish is not the end-all of learning!Ā 

Iā€™m soĀ  happy for herā€¦.!!!!!!!!!