Tag: Food allergies

cooking show idea where the chefs (all 3 star chefs and up) have to cook for you. first part of the show the audience is shown how they struggle to come up with recipes that you are safe to eat. then the cookig process is shown with cuts to you commenting how theyre failing at preparing for you edible ingredients in a for you edible way. youre ofc the judge (and maybe two other star cooks) and you kick out all inedible ones, and the one or two left are then judged according to typical criteria.


  • i forgot to mention that the winning dish is simply a grape on a plate

@ netflix fund this. Immediately.







orange juice is the superior beverage bc it makes ur tongue feel like u ate a bunch of ants which reminds me of my childhood when I would put ants in my mouth and eat em except this time it tastes good too

Hey op I think you’re probably allergic to citrus?

is. this not what oj is supposed to make ur tongue feel like

Me when I see a cheesecake: g o o d s h I t

My dairy allergic body: please don’t, we really dont want to have a migraine in two days over this…

My dumb ass, shovleing cheesecake into my gaping mouth: g o o d s h I t

My body, dying on the couch two days later: I f*cking told you so

Me, weakly: g o o d s h I t

Whenever I go to a hotel with family or friends it’s always really funny for me because I’ll wake up with my eyes swollen shut and they’ll be like “what…what happened to you last night” and I get to squint at them and be like “heh hotel pillows make eyes go puff puff”