Tag: food mention

yo, are you the person with accidental math degree, and who gave their sister star money origami and 2000 nickels?? cause like that’s the shit i wanna see more




i also accidentally got too many free pizzas from internet strangersbroke my arm trying to impress a crush, had a 3 day hangover in japan, needed stitches in both eyebrows (separate occasions), regularly signed up a  high school classmate to receive free mormon biblesbought 144 reese peanut butter eggs b/c they were on a great sale, and bought 40 limes for the purpose of getting drunk in a computer science lab

and everything but the pizza was before i had internet followers encouraging me to do dumb crap for attention, so even i have no idea what i’m gonna do next

@biggest-gaudiest-patronuses seeing all these next to each other (40 limes, 144 reeces eggs, 2000 nickles) you are the one they warn us about in math class.
