i know this isn’t my first time reblogging this post to this blog, and it probably won’t be the last. Stay educated.
Also, immunocompromised members of society (including a number of my family members and friends) don’t deserve to have their lives threatened because of antivaxxers and their “right” to believe lies.
I’ve said it once and I will say it again: Even if the “vaccines cause autism” stuff has a single lick of truth to it (which it does not, At All) AUTISM. IS. NOT. WORSE. THAN. DEATH.
If you think having an autistic child is worse than having a dead, dying, or seriously ill child then please pull your head out of your ass and go apologize to every autistic person ever. Thank you.
Refusing to vaccinate is child abuse. Well intentioned though it may be, refusing important medical interventions that seriously endanger your children is seriously endangering them no matter the reasoning.
I know it sounds harsh but honestly, if someone thought thrashing their child daily was the only way to make them grow up healthy, we would put a stop to it. For a long time many parents did, and we put a stop to it. This is no different.