Tag: gaudy quotes

Do you ever look up at the night sky full of stars and just feel so…exposed? Like, the ancients believed that it was the darkness of night that was the lie, but its really the blueness of day that merely covers the truth. The stars are always there. Just…watching. Like a thousand beady eyes. Staring. Always staring. We are not alone. Never alone. Help.


Those are the beady eyes of the old Gods, furious and curious, stranded too far away to interfere with human matters, yet watching all the same. They can do nothing with their knowledge, still they look on and watch and judge, from what else are unblinking eyes to do. 

When you look up, do so boldly! for no matter how small they claim you are, they have no power to touch you or the worlds you build.

How do you cope with seasonal depression


i moved to california

but before that: 

  • therapy and medication management (always good ideas). 
  • lots of socks/hoodies/blankets + anything to maximize coziness and improve sensory wellbeing. seriously, buy a super soft blanket.
  • asmr videos
  • special attention to sleep schedule to maximize daylight. 
  • spent time researching tropical places/playing theoretical beach vacations. digital tropical wallpaper, followed photo-heavy blogs featuring things like travel, flowers, sun, etc, anything to change my mental landscape
  • cultivated soothing rituals. this can be anything (e.g. lots of people like tea). i personally loved taking long hot showers
  • big one: kept my room clean and inviting. when the outdoors becomes uncomfortable, it’s extra important to make your indoor environment as welcoming as possible.
  • made a list of favorite shows/movies/comics/books/etc, stuff i’d seen a dozen times before. when worse came to worse, forced myself to choose something to watch/read. really helped distract me through the bad patches.
  • force-fed self mellow-but-upbeat soundtracks. the music we listen to has a big effect
  • found exercises i could do easily indoors for 5-15 min at a time (it turns a few minutes of push-ups here and there are way more doable for me than say, jogging or getting to the gym). also a good way to keep my toes warm during winter.

feel free to add!




And lo, it was so.

Here we have a photo of my in-progress first ever self made pattern.  I’m so proud~

@biggest-gaudiest-patronuses Serious question for you – I used a quote from you to make this, so I thought I should check.  My initial plan for this was a unicorn with a pride flag colour scheme (probably one of the ones I identify as) as both an aggressive self-love


and also a dig at the underrepresentation of queerness in the media.  Are you ok with having your name attached to that (so to speak) or would you rather I went with something more innocuous?

(There’s a joke about the difference between bisexuals and unicorns (one can see unicorns on TV) on Tumblr somewhere that was also kinda an inspiration for this – I might go hunt it down when it’s not 1 AM)

Edit: I misspelled “flag” but not “innocuous”.  How.

I love it, design it however you like! Let me know how it turns out!!!

Are you a mime person or a clown person? :)









i’m not picky, i’ll eat what’s available

I hear court jester is flavorful this time of year

But have you ever had Mesquite Smoked Joker?

Wanna know how I got this charrrrr?????

I dunno, comedians have always tasted funny to me.

can’t you people be NORMAL JUST FOR ONCE GOD

we’ve seen normal, we’re not interested

welp there’s a new home screen background quote “we’ve seen normal, we’re not interested”

Edit: I made a thing…

I hope you like…😫