Tag: Headcannon







hi sorry i just realized something and now I am speculating about whether Crowley keeps houseplants and yells at them as a reframing device/coping mechanism to deal with the repressed trauma of Falling (read: being cast out of the Garden?)

like here he is, being INTENSE PERFECTIONIST AND CONTROL FREAK (in a way that he isn’t, in the rest of his life) and the second one of his plants shows a flaw, even a single leaf spot, he puts it down the garbage disposal, discarding it the way he felt he was discarded????

crowley, go to therapy

go to therapy, crowley

(or possibly he did go to therapy and the therapist was the one who suggested he get a hobby like gardening and he twitched a bit and went “mmm yeah Gardening, right. i can go make a Garden for myself sure. right. it’ll be very therapeutic.” it is not very therapeutic, it is just picking at an old scab)



Hey Alex, quick question, who gave you the right and second of all *incoherent sobbing*


FOLLOW UP: imagine how Crowley feels when Aziraphale comes into his flat and looks at his objects of self-externalization plants and loves them and coos over them and praises them and gives Crowley a stern look and says he shouldn’t be so mean to the poor things, they’re doing their best

imagine how that feels, imagine how it feels to have someone take the punching bag you’ve taped your own face to, and instead they hug it, how fucking gobsmacked would you be about that






thor ragnarok is literally 18x funnier when u realize the grandmaster knows what’s going on the entire time. he is telepathic and can read minds so he legit just let shit go down just for fun bc he’s such a drama hoe

loki, thinking they’ve sleezed their way out of another mess: oh ill totally bring those traitors back to you oh great powerful grandmaster

the grandmaster, knowing damn well that’s not going to happen: haha yeah

can someone write this fanfic POV grandmaster please

Oh my, the Grandmaster thought. This one is a liar, and wow, he’s good. He watched, fascinated, listening with half an ear to the easy, charming words coming out of the man’s mouth even as the man’s mind spun out the most amazing complex plans of usurping the Grandmaster’s power and taking his place. “I like this guy,” the Grandmaster announced, cutting the man off mid sentence. “What did you say your name was? Right, Loki,” he said as the man thought it. Snapping his finger at the closest waiter, the Grandmaster pointed at Loki and said, “Get this man a drink.” As he sat back in his chair, satisfied and entertained by Loki’s bemusement as he accepted the beverage, the Grandmaster thought, this is going to be fun.




thor ragnarok is literally 18x funnier when u realize the grandmaster knows what’s going on the entire time. he is telepathic and can read minds so he legit just let shit go down just for fun bc he’s such a drama hoe

loki, thinking they’ve sleezed their way out of another mess: oh ill totally bring those traitors back to you oh great powerful grandmaster

the grandmaster, knowing damn well that’s not going to happen: haha yeah

honestly the part where he was like “im a great part of the revolution because without me who would they have to revolt against” explains so much about his character and the blaze nature that comes with truly understanding what it means to be immortal.