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This comic meant a whole lot to me. It was sincere in its depiction and treated the issue through the eyes of a grounded person. Not some godly hero saying everything is better than it seems, but a person trying his best before bringing her somewhere who can actually help.
Hey everyone else in the notes, I’m the grandson of a professional cat judge and breeder and you literally have to just. Hold cats. To make them used to being handled. Like, they’re gonna get pissed but you’re not hurting them At All I promise. This lil guy is just miffed he’s not being hurt and he’s not thrashing out he’s just an angry baby pls calm down
Just so y’all know here’s the same cat 7 months later 🙂
Look my dudes, dudettes and associations within – idk how else you expected the op to hold the squirming anger beast, because I guarantee you any other grip would have resulted in a drop and a lot of scratches and teeth. Yes, this kitten is angry. No, *not* handling said ball of fluff is not going to teach it anything aside from gtfo no human can ever touch me.
When my sister and I rescued a litter of four they were dirty, malnourished, could barely see from infections and terrified. Terror was also a good reason for them to be angry, which we understood. We obviously didn’t want to scare them more but they needed care, cleaning, medication and food via a syringe. We had to reach in to the carrier to get them out and of course they reacted with attempts at hissing (which when you’re that tiny its more like ‘pop pop pop!’) and squirming. After we started giving them all the things they needed and days to get used to us they became the cuddliest babies ever. They also flourished in health. The runt who had the worst prognosis is now so big he can’t fit in a regular cat carrier. They’re all giant fluffs and one of them is such a mama’s boy he cries if he doesn’t know where my sister is.
Cats are (usually) a product of their enviornment, and as you can see from the op’s reply this angry goblin has become a cuddly lapcat because the op didn’t shy away from teaching him that human touch is good and loving.
So calm y’alls mammaries jfc. OP knows what they’re doing.
Aside from the Discourse™️, the very angry floof being told “you’re so grumpy! You’re the grumpiest!” in a baby voice is my new favorite thing.
can confirm, sometimes u have to make tiny trash kittens VERY ANGRY in order to do what’s best for them
As a foster parent who has had kittens of varying socialization levels, I can also confirm that sometimes you just gotta get in there and show them “hey, a person touched and handled me and I didn’t die” over and over and over again until they just start to get it.
One of my current fosters, Travina, came to us in mid November at 8-10 weeks old; past prime socialization. Another week or two and she would have probably been a completely feral cat, but she was still willing to come up and snatch food directly out of your hand, which meant she was still in the ‘stray’ category, and thus had a chance.
It took almost 2 months of figuring out her likes and dislikes, but with time and a lot of pushing her out of her comfort zone, she’s gone from a kitten that runs if you even look at her from across the room to one that mews and trots to you if you call her name from halfway across the house.
And THAT’S why we baby talk the angry fluff balls while they hiss and spit at us.
I’m actually surprised that anyone could look at the paintings in the Lascaux caves and think, “how primitive”. I know they’re like the quintessential prehistoric cave paintings, but the observational proportions and the line weight are actually really good. Also they have an incredible sense of movement. (In fact, some people think that’s the purpose of overlapping the different colored images – to basically animate the drawings. The only lighting would be flickering torchlight, and the pictures are very large. I can imagine it might be rather intimidating in person.)
Just to show you what I mean. You try drawing a better lion than some of these
Prehistoric art work is such an underrated and underappreciated part of our culture as humans and anyone who belittles it needs to just look at them! They are gorgeous!
A ground breaking new book that brings together two of the major disciplines behind Jurassic Park is aiming to raise the profile of insect fossils through stunning photographs and unique illustrations.
Fossil Insects, by Dr David Penney and James E Jepson, details the incredible preservation and diversity of fossilised insects from around the world, setting the scene for what these remarkable fossils can tell us about the ancient and modern worlds, and even the future of our planet. Like the mosquito in Jurassic Park, many of the hundreds of thousands of specimens of ancient insect have been preserved in amber.