They forgot the part where the ambulance actually stopped to let the cat in
oh good I was worried
What a good cat. What a kind cat. How can anyone not love cats they are so good and loving.
they also forgot the part where they only found the baby because masha was screaming her head off bc she knew this baby was in danger. she went around outside the alley the next morning and yelled at passerby until she got one to follow her to the baby. she kept him warm all night and then made sure someone found him. she was adopted after this bc she was a stray and is in a loving home and is a hero
Hero cat
Thank you, Masha, you’re such a good girl.
Kittens can’t regulate their own body temperature. That’s why they pile up.
Cats see us as colony members.
Masha saw a kitten that was on its own, no mommy, no other kittens to cuddle with. She instinctively knew that was a cold kitten. She knew that a kitten alone on a cold night was very likely to die. Because a kitten would have died too.
So, all she was doing was what any good colony member does – protecting the abandoned kitten. Then when the abandoned kitten’s mommy didn’t come back, she called the rest of the colony for help.
People have this bizarre idea that housecats don’t have a social sense. They do, and it saved this kid’s life. And possibly Masha’s too, as life on the streets is dangerous for a kitty.
We say “good dog” all the time, but Masha was being a very, very good cat…not just by human moral standards but by feline ones.
(I hate Kylo Emo Ren with the fire of a billion suns so fair warning.)
The thing is that the Force shimmers around her like starlight but she’s not…quite a Jedi.
Her brother despises her and pretends she doesn’t exist because she is a living reminder of that “weakness” in him. He wants to claim his powerful legendary Skywalker bloodline.
Pfft. She thinks he’s full of bantha poodoo.
Now Uncle Luke really just sat her down one day and had a lovely long talk with her and he finally had this Eureka Moment™ due to Certain Observations that he has had about his buddy Han a long time ago.
Uncle Luke laughed his ass off for days.
She’s a crack shot and she’s got her father’s luck. She flies ships like nobody’s business but she gets that from both sides of the family tree so Dad and Ghost Grandad can be both proud.
(Yeah, she sees Grandpa Garbage Can skulking around. He’s more fun than one would think)
She picks up a name for herself because that’s what Dad did so she’s Billie Rogue to the galaxy. She’s a pirate. She can outfly, outshoot, outwit and outfox anybody. Slavers are a favorite target. She hates what they do to sentient beings with every fiber of her being.
The Force whispers to her and she listens with her heart and her soul and her gut and that is how she can walk out of any scrape.
In fact, the Force has whispered to Han all the days of his life. It kept him alive and got him out of impossible situations no one else could survive. It’s a gift that has passed on this daughter.
(His son ignores this willfully. It will be his doom and downfall in the end.)
Her best friend and co pilot is an Ewok. Mind you, people who underestimate the Ewok soon find out that Cute can be literally deadly.
Billie Rogue’s adventures are just beginning. In fact, there’s a little matter of finding herself a new ship to fly.
(The Falcon has too many painful memories now that Dad is gone. She wishes Rey the best with it.)
And there is going to be a Day of Reckoning with her foolish brother.
Federal employees missed their first paycheck last week; from here on
in, every milestone dramatically exacerbates the pain of the shutdown: a
halt to aviation as TSA screeners quit en masse, civil cases stall in
federal courts, 38 million hungry Americans denied food stamps and 10%
of food sales in the US vanishing; deals expiring with the landlords of
40,000 low income households; then 2.2 million more households are
imperiled; landlords renting to federal agencies will go without rent
but won’t be able to evict federal tenants, triggering mortgage and debt
defaults; prison guards go from today’s skeleton crew to near-total
absenteeism; city buses stop running as Federal Transport Agency
payments dry up; drugs fall out of the FDA pipeline, denying medication
to ill and dying people; and of course, every IPO is stalled (and maybe
DOA) for so long as the shutdown continues.
All this to keep a racist promise to build a useless wall.
Motherboard’s blockbuster story
about mobile carriers selling your realtime location data into a
marketplace where bounty hunters and other villains can buy it for just a
few dollars has triggered an urgent, national conversation about the
fact that, in the year since the first stories about this emerged, the
carriers have not only failed to live up to their promises to put a stop
to it, but seem to have made it even worse.
So naturally, the Congressional committee that oversees the FCC – which
regulates the carriers – wants to be briefed on this so that they can
do their job, serve the American people, and get this situation under
But to do that, they need to hear from Ajit Pai, the former Verizon
executive whom Donald Trump installed as Chairman of the FCC. And Pai
says he’s staying in his office with his giant novelty Reese’s mug, and
Congress can go fuck themselves, because there’s a shutdown on, and this
isn’t “a threat to safety.”
What’s more, the FCC committee that has been investigating this issue
has stopped all work, because again, having the location of every US
cellular phone owner being tracked in realtime and sold for a few
dollars to any scumbag with a credit card “is not a threat to safety.”