Well that’s a beautiful image to think of, isn’t it?
nice girl with horns, but I can do you one better.
002 is best darling.
God tier pilot material
I’m screaming??? When did this happen????
when did what happen?
Who are these people?? Where have they come from???? Why are they reblogging a shitpost about my cat??????
so, basically, @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses reblogged your post, @mysterious-forest-guardian and I are mutuals who made a thread, and now I am following you. SO the answers to your questions in order: We Are The Gaudience, We came From the Shadows, and we had ideas so we posted them.
Also I’m just gonna leave a picture of my cat here
Whenever possible use Fame as an opportunity to spread photos of your cat
So I’ve been ruining my kids lives by saying “weird flex but ok” to everything and when I do it they scream no and tell me they’re running away and I made this lovely photo lemme get it
Ok so I need some help coming up with the absolute worst “to flex on” live memes ever to pretend I’m an even more really lame parent. they don’t have to make sense but they need to be absolutely awful yet believable enough that it isn’t obvious I’m intentionally trying to be more lame
Here’s the ones I came up with so far
“You ever just eat a well balanced diet and exercise daily to flex on heart disease?”
“You ever just boil chilies to flex on your eyes?”
“You ever just be cool to flex on your kids?”
“You ever just use sanitizer to flex on 99.9% of all bacteria and viruses?”
“You ever just turn all the lights and up the heater to flex on Dad?”
Catholic edition:
“You ever just like receive the sacraments frequently to flex on Satan?”
“You ever just like love your Mom to flex on Protestants?”
So I executed the first one in the kitchen then I dabbed and my son didn’t say anything he just set down his pomegranate and walked out the front door with no shoes on and now he’s walking down the street
I felt like I needed to clarify some things before we could continue any more conversations on this godforsaken website.
I’m very proud of the European Robin, I think I really captured it.
ALSO A DADDY LONG LEGS is different in the UK vs USA. I learned that by arguing with some Brits because they said there was a daddy long legs on the wall, i looked and only saw an insect, argued with them all for 45 minutes until we all looked it up and saw that we were both correct.
British badger: jovial fellow, eats toast and jam. Might invite you in for a cuppa with the Mrs. Agricultural nuisance.
American badger: pallas cat of a wolverine. Very defensive. Fuck immediately off.
Bonus African badger: Silverback gorilla of mustelids. Should be a cryptid. Bro, don’t even. You are nothing to him.
an extremely good post addition
uk animals: softtttt
us animals: danger spite
au animals: scary doom
honey badger: run
Any other parrot: colourful, chatty, a gaudy, happy fellow
NZ parrot:
Dull in colour, bright in mind. Will eat your tires and steal your earrings. Just in it for the laffs
European pigeon:
What ho, good chap, dapper fellow, neat, tidy, a bit silly
NZ pigeon:
Hefty boi, dumb as bricks, LORGE
Bold of you to assume all pigeons everywhere across the world aren’t dumb as bricks.
I have this planner with these absolutely ridiculous pages with like “motivational” quotes on them that are just these bullshit things like “Let your heart sing” and “Always believe in your dreams”
and like that’s always struck me as such meaningless bullshit, I’ve always hated those. They’ve never had that element that truly motivates me.
So, I took matters into my own hands and I made my own artsy motivational wallpapers. Enjoy.
have i seriously lived long enough to experience the resurgence of demotivational posters’s natural evolution into shitposting motivationals