Those appear to be bird tracks rather than bunny tracks! Ergo, it was a bird hopping and then taking off, not a bunny getting taken away!
oh my god thank you phoenix wright
yeah those aren’t bunny tracks.
Forgive my sceptism, but why would a bird with a supposedly wide wingspan hop around in the snow in the first place when tree branches would suffice in the beginning?
Feel free to explain that.
I’ll be real I don’t know much about Phoenix Wright. But! I do know a lot about birds.
The mighty ptarmagin! Practically a feathered rabbit, these magnificent creatures are built for the snow.
Look at those boots! Wonderfully feathered. They spend most of their time as little snow lumps.
In fact, they’re very well known for the above phenomenon.
Professor didn’t allow phones in class so I’ll instead show you some slides from the presentation I made.
I of course talked about you first.
Hopefully my description is accurate, or at least nearly accurate. I did the presentation literally hours before class.
I also dubbed this as my favorite:
Classmates loved it. They loved the other quotes, too. They especially liked the ‘the world needs you the way you are’ one.
My professor was more interested in it because, I think, she has a tumblr account and is aware of December 17. Then I showed them this:
And I stated that you will save tumblr. Because you are the almighty Gaud.
A few laughs have been shared, as well as jokes. Professor loved the idea that we already have a cult on tumblr and was okay with the fact that instead of making my own religion, I simply talked about you and the community and what we have so far.
As per instruction, she has told us to ‘endorse’ our religion, in any way we would want to. So I made this:
To remind them that you are not a normal deity. And I have tried to hide your icon or made your icon unnoticeable so when I move to the next slide, this appears:
Spooking my classmates for a bit. And then for the next few minutes as I asked my professor if I could keep it on as she tells me her comments. So for five minutes they have had Gaud stare at them with those eyes of theirs.
She (professor) says that she loved the idea because yes, we are creepy, and weird, but we are completely different from other religions. Others focused on the seven aspects of religions, thus creating corny, cliche commandments and such. And they’ve deviated from what their religions have been called. And our religion has a purpose that others failed to showcase.
I named it the religion of self-love.
I don’t think I have to explain why.
Also she didn’t tell us our grades but I was pretty sure she got me a good one.
*choking back tears* you’re getting an A
The Religion of Self-Love, that’s exactly what we are
This is actually hella interesting, bc in simple terms, tigers are extroverts and lions are introverts. There’s more to it, but that’s the gist.
Whenever zoo’s tried to put lions and tigers in the same enclosures, the tiger would eventually try to groom the lioness and play constantly. The lioness would lose patience and snaps at them
So basically what I’m saying is that you have a regal and refined gf who stands at the edge of a balcony during parties, sipping champagne
Then you have the other girl who drank all of the little flutes on the servers platter, and is now drunkenly pointing at her gf and telling everyone that that’s her gf and doesn’t she look beautiful I love her so much
So I had to draw them in human form???
You drew them in the corresponding ethnicities for their Geographic locations!!! Bless you, you have no idea how sick and tired I am of white human lion king characters.
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I’m so confused why he would think cookie dough would give him salmonella??? What parent told him this. There’s no chicken in there!
Two words: Raw eggs.
?? What kind of world do you live in where Raw eggs carry salmonella or are in anyway unsafe
Don’t ask me, ask them Americans. I’m an Asian just passing the word on
*deep breath* Though the risk is small, raw eggs can carry samonella.
MORE THREATENINGLY Raw wheat can carry E. Coli. However, if you don’t mind making your own cookie dough, you can easily make it safely.
Take your standard recipe. Omit the eggs. Eggs serve as a binding agent to hold the cookie together. Since we’re eating the dough raw, that’s not needed. Take the flour, put it in a pan and bake it at 350 for 7 minutes. Any E. Coli is now dead.
Just mix the rest of the ingredients together as the recipe is called for and BAM, perfectly safe edible cookie dough.
Thank u so fucking much for this wisdom
wait you’re telling my i can get E, Coli just FROM EATING FLOUR straight from the bag???
Cookie dough purchased from the store like this, is safe to eat.