keira knightley was born in 1985 and thomas brodie sangster in 1990, which means she is only 5 years older than him. In 2003 they starred together in love actually
this is what she looked like
and this is what he looked like
5 years
i thought this was a shitpost but apparently keira knightley was just a flipping teenager when she was cast in Love Actually as a married adult woman? Like she was literally 17/18? That is all kinds of messed up.
this is what sangster looks like in 2018 btw. he’s 28:
tldr: stop sexualizing young girls
In the UK you are an adult at the age of 18 .You can vote, smoke, and Drink in bars at 18 .You can get married at 18 its not against the law in the Uk. The age of consent in the Uk is 16 .so where is the problem?
Just because there is some democratic responsibility to allow people autonomy over their life choices, doesn’t mean everyone is utilising it. Most 18-year-olds are still pretty much kids. It is extremely rare for a 17y/o to be married. Bear in mind also that in modern times it is common for people to get to know and build a relationship before marriage, meaning they’d likely be at least 16 or even underage at the start. Were her love interests also teenagers? If not, that’s arguably inappropriate. Being realistic, the character is not intended to be that age. In which case, it is a curious choice to cast someone so young, at the very least. I think it’s fair for people to point that out and question/be dubious about it. Healthy, even. After all, ‘It’s not technically illegal’ is not mutually inclusive with ‘It’s not at all weird’. In fact, justifying things like that is usually an indication there’s something unsavoury going on.
her character’s male love interests were played by a 30-year-old and a 27-year-old. this is an extremely common casting practice in major films.
to reiterate, keira knightley was significantly closer in age to her 13-year-old co-star than to the actor portraying her husband.
Actresses VS Actors : the sexualization of young women is true (and the difference of age encourages pedophilia)
I’m sorry if you guys are tired of me posting about this but it’s important so here’s some updated Camp Fire information:
– Camp Fire Public Information Line: (530) 538-7826
Updated Incident Report 11/10/18
1. The fire is now at 100,000 acres but is 20% contained
2. There are still 6,713 confirmed destroyed (6,453 houses, 260 commercial buildings)
3.Evacuation Orders & Warnings for Camp Fire
Current Evacuation Orders (per 11/10 7:00 a.m. incident update):
• Paradise, Magalia, Concow, Butte Creek Canyon, and Butte Valley
• Powellton zone
• Lovelock zone
• Humbug zone
• Stirling zone, Stirling City and Inskip
• North Coutelenc zone
• North Fir Haven zone
• Nimshew zone
• Carnegie/Colter zone
• South Firhaven zone
• South Coutelenc zone
• North Pines zone
• South Pines zone
• Old Magalia zone
• Lower Pentz zone
• Morgan Ridge zone
• Lower Clark zone
• Highway 32 at Nopel South all the way to Chico city limits
• Butte Creek Road
• Centerville Road
• Concow
• Pulga
• Yankee Hill
• Skyway from lower Paradise to the Chico city limits
• Morgan ridge
• Highway 70 from Pulga to West branch feather river bridge
• All of Clark Road and all of pentz road, south to highway 70, everything west to highway 99 and south to highway 149 including all of Butte Valley
• Shippee Road from Highway 149 to Highway 99
• Cherokee Road to Highway 70 to Lake Oroville south to Table Mountain Blvd.
4. Evacuation Shelter Information:
OPEN: Yuba-Sutter Fairground (442 Franklin Ave, Yuba City, CA 95991)
OPEN: Chester Memorial Hall (22 Gay Street, Chester)
THIS SHELTER IS FULL: Butte County Fairgrounds (199 E Hazel St, Gridley, CA 95948)
THIS SHELTER IS FULL: Glenn County Fairgrounds (221 E Yolo St, Orland, CA 95963)
THIS SHELTER IS FULL: Chico Elks Club (1705 Manzanita, Chico)
THIS SHELTER IS FULL: Oroville Nazarene Church (2238 Monte Vista Ave, Oroville, CA 95966)
THIS SHELTER IS FULL: Neighborhood Church (2801 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico, CA 95928)
If assistance is needed in evacuating, call 9-1-1.
5. Animal Shelter Information:
Small Animal: Small animals evacuated due to the Camp Fire can be taken to:
The Old County Hospital at 2279 Del Oro and Mono, Suite E
The Chico Municipal Airport (150 Airpark Blvd, Chico, CA 95973)
Large Animal: Large animals evacuated due to the Camp Fire can be taken to the Butte County Fairgrounds, 199 E Hazel St, Gridley, CA 95948
6. The fire could potentially reach Oroville, CA because of wind movements. This isn’t a fact it’s just a possibility, I heard them discussing it on Action News Now
7. If you live in Chico, Butte County, or the surrounding area, the evacuation shelters and evacuation animal shelters are in need of volunteers and supplies
8. The air quality is still super bad so wear a mask if going outside, don’t overexhert yourself, and keep animals inside as much as possible. If you’re having trouble breathing, they probably are too especially smaller animals like dogs and cats
9. This is Paradise, CA in relation to the fire if anyone was wondering. Basically right in the middle of everything.
10. The town of Paradise has been destroyed that much I can say, and it’s devastating. PLEASE SHARE THIS BECAUSE AN ENTIRE TOWN WAS JUST WIPED OFF THE FACE OF THE MAP AND NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT
Here’s some of my own pictures that I took the other day of the sky. It was Day 2 of the fire and it looked like the apocalypse if I’m being honest. The first two pictures were taken at 11:17 AM but it looks like it could be anywhere from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM (also that’s nothing in the sky on picture 2 I think it’s just a reflection on my camera lens). The last picture was taken around 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM and I know the picture itself isn’t that good but you can clearly see all of the thick smoke in the air.