today I learned that there’s a town in Quebec where a bunch of people grow giant pumpkins, and on one very special day a year, cut them up, empty them, and use them as a canoe. then have a race. a pumpkin race. it’s even called ‘the potirothon’, from potiron (pumpkin) and marathon.
I saw Lindy Hemming’s work in Wonder Woman and I almost
cried. Scratch that, I did cry. Lindy Hemming didn’t use fetish lingerie
as her starting point, she used armor. Actual armor. Roman armor, to be
specific. Romans made armor out of overlapping bands of very heavy
leather. Because it was organic material, very little of it survived,
but here’s a fragment:
You can see this same technique clearly on Antiope in Wonder Woman:
And you can see it here on Diana:
It’s been highly stylized on Diana, but the inspiration, the intent, is there:
Remember when I said sometimes I can tell exactly what a designer was
looking at when they designed something? This is a piece of Roman
leather armor made out of a crocodile hide:
This is one of Hippolyta’s costumes. I almost squealed out loud in the theater when I saw it!
All the Amazons had fantastic, warrior-based details. The folklore
about Amazons cutting off a breast so they were better able to fight?
(which has no historical basis, btw) Lindy Hemming gave them a metal
breast plate on one side:
And, as a side note, can we talk about the casting of the Amazons?
All those gorgeous, strong, athletic women of all ages… swoon!
Yes, Diana’s costume has been stylized and they made her attractive,
but that costume first and foremost is armor. It’s functional:
That skirt? The shape is Roman, cut high over the thighs so it doesn’t impede movement:
Those aren’t sexy thigh-high boots:
They’re Roman greaves, meant to protect, and they buckle on. Again, ARMOR!
With Wonder Woman, the starting point, the INTENT, is
everything. The reason I literally cried watching the Amazons fight is
that FINALLY, somebody started at the right place. That design showed
respect. The intent, right from the start, was to portray those women as
warriors, and that, at least for me, made all the difference.
my mom just came to me and ranted about how everyone is making this facebook status that says, “raising teenagers is like nailing jello to a tree”. she was so baffled by this because she said, “you were pretty easy to raise as teenagers. all you did was sleep and eat.”
so to prove some point she’s going to nail a small cup of jello to a tree.
she’s so pleased with her self
parents are weird
yeah but this is about as accurate as it gets.
you say “nail jello to a tree” and most people think jello all by itself.
but if you put any actual thought into what you’re doing and then give it just a little support
Like… can we start spreading this again? Because, back then I figured no one would be dumb enough to fall for it and it was just silly. Now? Well, it’s worth a shot.
white man: i’m fascinated with history espe– me: military history white man: actually yes a– me: world war two white man: uh yea– me: nazis
Me: I’m a fan of history espe-
You: military history
Me:actually yes a-
You: world war 2
Me: shit no, try the Mongolian empire you presumptuous asshat.
Me: I’m a fan of history espe-
You: military history
Me:actually yes a-
You: world war 2
Me: no, bayonetting militia, you fool.
On a serious note, we really need to kill the idea that people liking history IMMEDIATELY means they like the Nazis.
Me: I’m a fan of history espe-
You: military history
Me:actually yes a-
You: world war 2
Me: No you ignorant simpleton, Ancient Egyptian Chariot Battles.
Me: I’m a fan of history espe-
You: military history
Me: actually yes a-
You: world war 2
Me: no you fucking Sunni infidel, Iranian tactics and weapons during the Iran-iraq war.
Me: I’m a fan of history espe-
You: military history
Me: actually yes a-
You: world war two
Me: uh, yea-
You: Nazis
Me: actually American and alliance fighter aircraft and weapons.
I have a gun that killed Nazis though…
Me: I’m a fan of history espe-
You: military history
Me: no.
You: …
Me: I’m more interested in the development, implementation, and use of technology, including smithing, stonework, leatherwork, brazing, tinsmithing, coin-minting…
*45 minutes later*
and that whole thing about how apparently we can’t make fabric like we used to which I call insanely suspicious because we have an unbroken tradition in loomery between today and-
You: I will literally pay you money to stop talking. Please. Please for the love of god.
Me: Oh, sorry. Also, military history is cool.
Me: I’m a fan of history espe-
You: military history
Me: actually yes a-
You: world war two
Me: No, you dishonorable coward! Everything before guns. Melee combat!
Me: I’m a fan of history, espe-
You: Military History.
Me: yes, actually…
You: World War Two.
Me: Yeah…
You: Nazis.
Me: Axis and Allies both created advancements in technological warfare that changed the world and are still used to this day or were just all around crazy. Like, Nazi Germany invented night vision goggles, revolutionized how army helmets were designed, and had amazing tanks.
You: Ha! I kne-
Me: And Japan used paper balloons to try to and fire bomb America, to which America replied by almost fire bombing Japan with live bats.
You: what….?
Me: Yeah, America almost beat Japan with not a Hydrogen Bomb, but with…
I’m so excited to finally finish this cosplay! I’m a big sucker for Norse-inspired designs, and with Loki I tried to combine the MCU design with more traditional materials. This is definitely my new go-to cosplay at cons for the next million years.