California is one of the hot-zones
in the world’s urban housing crisis, driven by a combination of
opposition to highrise/high-density living and the mass purchase of
foreclosed properties following the 2008 crisis by giant Wall Street
landlords who have steadily ratcheted up rents
and evictions in a big to safeguard the flow of payments to bondholders
who get a share of the rents extracted from struggling tenants living
in dangerous, substanding housing.
California’s cities have different policy levers they can yank on to
address this: zoning changes, commuter rail, school spending. But one
lever that cities have relied upon since the beginning of modern urban
government is missing: rent control. California state law forbids rent
control on single-family homes; and apartments build after 1995.
A ballot measure, Prop 10, will allow cities to impose rent controls on
all rental stock, allowing voters a say in the way that their cities are
developed. But the giant hedge funds that own hundreds of thousands of
California rental properties are pumping millions more into
scare-campaigns intended to convince voters to oppose Prop 10.
Blackstone, the largest private equity firm in the world, is
California’s biggest corporate landlord, with 127,000 single-family
homes in its “portfolio.” They’re responsible for $6,859,747 in
anti-Prop-10 spending, part of the $45m attack on the proposition.
Landlords across California have sent eviction notices to their tenants
giving them 60 days to leave; other have announced massive rent
increases – and tenants have been notified that these will be cancelled
only if Prop 10 fails.
Also one time he was supposed to write a violin and piano duet, and he wrote the violin part, but he didn’t really feel like writing the piano part, or was too lazy etc. When the concert came up (he played the piano while a fiend played the violin) he set up a blank piece of paper (so people would think he was reading music) and improvised. After the concert he wrote it down so it could be published
okay i’ve reblogged this before but can we just give a shoutout to the orchestra that had to sightread the overture to an audience at the premiere of an opera
how are u going to tell me mermaids dont exist then
dont quote me on this but im pretty sure weve only found baby giant squids so we dont actually know how big they can be
we also know like nothing about lobsters since most of them on the ocean floor and some marine scientists predict that, theoretically, there could be submarine sized lobsters
this is all EXACTLY the way my brain works about the ocean.
Y’all remember the leviathan from the movie Atlantis?
How am I ever supposed to sleep again when I know they’re could be submarine-sized lobsters out there