California Republican Congressman Devin Nunes (previously)
has been one of Trump’s most ardent supporters, who has used his office
as Head of the House Intelligence Committee to promote the evidence-free conspiracy theory that Obama’s FBI spied on the Trump campaign.
Historically, Nunes has set himself apart from his fellow Republicans:
willing to compromise on immigration reform, and hailing from the
predominantly Democratic state of California.
Nunes’s Californian roots have been key to his electoral success; his
campaign literature, press interviews and public appearances make great
hay out of his family’s dairy farm in California.
What Nunes’s materials don’t mention is that his family
secretly relocated the family farm to Iowa in 2006, to the town of
Sibley (a town best known for having unsuccessfully sued a resident for putting up a website complaining about the “rotten blood and stale beer odors” produced by a dog-food factory).
Esquire’s Ryan Lizza went to Sibley to investigate the Nunes family’s
move and its shroud of secrecy and found himself mired in an American
gothic small-town mystery, shadowed everywhere he went by Nunes family
members in SUVs (he put Gopros in his car and used them to record his
watchers, who creepily circled every spot he parked; he was later able
to identify them on Facebook).
Lizza spoke to multiple sources who described the town and its dairy
industry’s dependence on undocumented labor (including multiple sources
who claimed direct knowledge of undocumented workers employed on the
Nunes family farm), and the town’s growing disenchantment with Donald
Trump and their Congressman, Steve King (previously) a white supremacist xenophobe
who is the Republican’s strongest anti-immigration advocate (Sibley is
in Osceola County, and was the county’s strongest Trump-voting district,
going 79% for Trump) (Nunes’s father has only ever donated to two
federal candidates: his son, and Steve King).
As Lizza chased down the story, his sources showed signs of
intimidation. The Nunes family reportedly called a local newspaper and
demanded that it remove a nine-year-old article that celebrated the
Nunes family’s move to Iowa.
My brain, at 6 AM on a Monday: I wonder if you can order those little soy sauce fish shaped bottles in bulk, except without soy sauce in them. You should spend 30 minutes trying to find them instead of sleeping.
Must… resist…
Cons: Waste of money, waste of time, stupid, pointless, unnecessary, foolish.
How the heck did her hair get braided like that? Did she and the other officers just have a braiding train at night? ????
do you think Peggy carter needs anyone to braid her hair? she does it herself. The right hand’s nail polish? my girl has it covered. Zipping and unzipping the back of the dress? pff… Peggy Carter can do anything. Liquid Eyeliner? in one try. Peggy carter can do anything.
a n y t h i n g.
That’s not a braid. It’s a roll. It is one of the most beautiful hair styles to come out of the 40s and is incredibly simple. The hair styles you should be impressed with are these.
Waves: I had a 1920s themed dance last month, and I wore my hair in waves. I sat in a chair with a professional stylist for AN HOUR for FOUR of those beauties. I see at least eight. And she does those regularly for work.
Victory curls: I can do victory curls. Two, to be exact. Not counting practice, I have worn my hair in V-curls exactly twice. It took me an hour and a half last time, and I didn’t even curl the ends, just two v-curls on the top of my head, and they weren’t nearly this amazing. Again, another casual work look.
Do you think Steve curled her hair? Fat chance. Be in awe of Peggy Carter. Be in awe.
I now have a mental image of Peggy Carter doing her nightly routine, which of course doesn’t necessarily happen at night, just whenever she has a chance to lie down and sleep. It starts with sitting at her desk, where a mirror has been wedged into the right position by militarily files, but she doesn’t look at it any more. Instead she’s pouring over whatever has to be memorized for the following day, fingers working on automatic as she wedges pins into place. It takes forty seven pin curls to get the look she wants, and she’s done with it before she finishes reading the memo.
There’s little flickers of red on her gun as testament to smudged nails before she learned to check her weapons first and then paint her nails. While they dry she reads something else, filing it all away for future reference and remembering key words by which finger she was painting at the time. When Peggy Carter checks her nails she might well be looking for chips, but it’s more likely she’s remembering names.
She ran out of cold cream weeks ago, but she stills has some rose water left and uses it sparingly, careful not to get it mixed up with the other little vials in her kit.
And of course there will be that one night, when the alarm sounds and everyone is forced from their beds in a panicked hurry. Peggy Carter will not only be at the center of it, but she will be the one keeping the intruder pinned down. Dressed in a faded floral nightgown thrown over her night clothes, smelling like rose water, her hair hidden under a silk scarf to keep her curls in place, gun held steadily in a perfectly manicured hand. Everyone else is dressed, however hurriedly, but it’s Peggy who is the most put together, even in her pin curls.
I love the expression, “Hell in high heels”, but frankly Hell has never met Peggy Carter.
ALL of this ^^^. Also, the glorious queen probably does her winged liquid eyeliner in that stupid jeep, bouncing along the path to a meeting.
This is the most beautiful thing I’ve read so far about Peggy Carter. *chinhands and sighs, dreamily* Because Peggy fucking Carter.
A new report
summarizing three years of from the House Oversight and Government
Reform Committee on the TSA calls out the agency for its “toxic
leadership culture, misconduct, mismanagement, whistleblower retaliation
and obstruction,” citing these as the reason for the agency’s 20%
annual attrition rates.
The report was a long time coming, faced many hurdles and featured many
lowlights, like the 2016 testimony of Office of the Chief Risk Officer
program manager Mark Livingston, who described working for the TSA as
like “Lord of the Flies; you either attack or be attacked.”