Why Movies About College are Actually Full of Shit.
This is very important because my brother and I grew up thinking college was like this. Like we would live out a beer commercial.
And when I got to college and it DIDN’T happen, it stressed me out. I thought I was doing something wrong again. I had, apparently, messed up high school according to the media, and now college?! The supposed best time of my life?! It created a big depression, and living far from home made it worse as I had no friends or family I could immediately talk to. It took a long time for me to understand that movies and commercials and shows that portray college like that is complete and utter bullshit.
Also, a reminder:
Most Americans don’t have college degrees. Of the ones who do, tons of them don’t finish in four years.
Lots of people go to community colleges.
Lots of people live at their parents’ house while in school.
The TV and movie stereotype of college–even just the “everyone goes to college and lives in a dorm” thing–only a tiny minority of Americans actually live that out.
weary science lecturer voice: and here we see a lovely example of the phylogeny of domestic galliformes, which will be on the exam. Sorry, what was that? “Fuck me?” You may regret it – curses, like chickens, come home to roost.
Surya Raghavendran started fixing phones when Apple tried to charge him
$120 to fix the defective screen they’d installed in his phone; instead,
he followed online instructional videos and fixed it himself.
That was in ninth grade. Now, Raghavendran is 17 and runs his own business, SKR Screen Repair.
But SKR Screen Repair is in trouble: Apple’s newest Ios version uses DRM
to prevent third party screen repairs, locking out third-party screens.
The change prompted Raghavendran to branch out into politics and
advocacy: he’s joined with Environment Michigan and US PIRG to advocate
for a Right to Repair bill (previously) in Michigan. Raghavendran meets with state lawmakers and has circulated a petition and compiled personal stories about the need to protect independent repair.
Repair services account for 4% of US GDP, and they create community jobs
that let neighbors help each other get more use out of their own
property, while diverting electronics from landfills.