Can someone please tell me this was a pair that was trying to do the death spiral that mating birds of prey do, and somehow in the process they ended up stuck on a road sign.
Because if it is, this is definitely one of the funniest “Okay, maybe we WERE a little bit over our head when we started this…” moments.
I doubt it. One of these birds is a juvenile (the top) while the other is an adult (bottom). The juvenile would have no interest in mating.
Honestly when I see hawks doing stupid stuff 9/10 times its a harris hawk—this seriously just looks like one of those stupid hawks time. They are one of the only social raptors, so this leads to some funny things, like
The harris hawk argument for stacking is “your back is less Pokey than a cactus so imma use it”
Not even falconers are safe…
They even hold hands
Please, what are you doing harris hawks, learn how to hawk
A concept: Steve, with super soldier sensitive nose, finds women smell a lot better than men. Not that men smell bad, just… women seem to use more subtle floral or fruity smelling things. Men’s stuff is always spicy in some way. The first time he went to buy himself soap and he swiveled down the men’s aisle he was nearly knocked off his feet by the smell. (He has JARVIS order his soap now.) The women’s aisle is cloying but not bad.
So he can’t understand why Tony always smells so good.
It drives him absolutely bananas. When they’re in the decontamination showers, Tony still smells good, even with the plain soaps everyone has to use. Sometimes Bruce has to use his shower but he never smells the same as Tony. Steve’s even gone so far as to sneak into Tony’s bathroom (and then been shocked by the sheer amount of product that exists in Tony’s shower) and try and sniff out what exactly it is, but he can’t find it. He figures it’s just something that’s specifically Tony.
And then he sees Tony rubbing something creamy onto his bruised arm after a battle. The only reason he doesn’t tackle Tony to the ground is because he saw him get thrown into a building and he’s probably sore. “WHAT’S THAT!” he bellows without meaning to, making every Avenger except for Bruce jump, and that’s only because Bruce is passed out across Thor’s lap. Tony stares at him in terror before cautiously answering, “A bruise cream?” He makes a startled, squeaky noise as Steve lunges at him, pressing his nose to his skin. There. That’s the smell. “What’s in it,” he hisses like some sort of goblin. “…Aloe and arnica?” Tony squeaks. “It smells good,” Steve tells him with perhaps more aggression than he means to again. “…Thank you,” Tony says after a minute, at a loss for literally any other words.
Steve: WHAT’S THAT!!!
Tony: …. A Bruise Cream…?
Steve: w HATs’ IN IT
Tony: Aloe and arnica…?
Steve: ….
I had to. I just had to. God, @reioka, your ideas!!! Just. Your IDEAS!!!
omg so yesterday i put a salt line on the pathway to our front door because i was fucking around and my brother was pretending to be a demon
and today we ordered pizza and the salt line was still there
and my brother went outside to sign for the pizza
and the pizzaman refused to step over the salt line, like he almost did and then he backed up and handed my bro the pizza and left; which is pretty ridiculous because it’s far from our door
so a heads up to everyone i’m pretty sure domino’s is actually run by demons??? kind of like how in men in black the post office is run by aliens
((”Not just pizza”))
((”but eternal damnation”))
Alternate theory: It wasn’t that the pizza guy couldn’t cross the line of salt himself.
He just saw the line of salt and assumed that it was the only thing keeping you and your brother in, and he didn’t want nothing to do with your demon asses
As a manager a dominos i can confirm that, as an equal opportunity employer, we employ an astonishing amount of demons and hellbeasts
It’s like 50/50 between “pizza guy was a demon” and “pizza guy thought you had/were a demon”
Chris Evans’ 1967 Camaro RS “Steve Rogers” Edition designed by Robert Downey Jr. There’s the shield, of course, but Dave Salvaggio from Speedkore also said that Downey designed the interiors inspired by Steve Rogers’ leather jacket in the first Avengers movie. He gifted the car to Chris in Atlanta when they were done filming Infinity War.
The Avengers are a team of Witches and Wizards fighting against the Dark Lord Thanos.
Tony is the mad Wizarding inventor who is a genius with a wand. Bruce is a part-time healer, full-time shape-shifting werewolf. Clint and Natasha are Unspeakables. Thor is a Quidditch beater. And Auror Steve has one hell of a shield charm.
(Oh, and Loki is a Death Eater, which no one is surprised about)
Just needed to add an imperio’d Bucky as the Winter Sorcerer and Peggy in Steve’s compass…
Oh! And Peter going to Hogwarts having Harry Potter like adventures. And Mad Eye Fury is Head of the Department of Mysteries…
And T’Challa, who is from the completely magical kingdom of Wakanda (and has an Animagus that is a black panther). And Scott, who has been incarcerated in Azkaban.
Oh, and I missed Quidditch Warrior Thor the first time (who usually prefers being a beater) so here he is with Wanda, who is a defected ex-Death Eater