Tag: Image

Sen. Jeff Merkley denied entry to immigrant detention center

Sen. Jeff Merkley denied entry to immigrant detention center







“i’m sad and idk how to feel better”


“i don’t know what to draw”


“i always mess up”





Bob Ross was paid $0 to make his series. He made a living giving lessons IRL and later selling his own line of paints and brushes.

I apologize for not reblogging him as much but everyone needs this on their dash daily.  Seriously everyone needs this on their blog or wherever.

Do they rerun this anymore or no?

Words of wisdom!

@amisbro Twitch Always On still runs it I think. Shouldn’t be too hard to find episodes online, can either.





y’all know that john mulaney quote “the things crazy people say mean nothing to them but everything to me?”

every time i hear that quote, i think about how i got this light-up pen

i got this pen four years ago when i was working as a barista at starbucks. I was on the registers and taking the order of this woman, who ordered a nonfat latte, because she was “watching her weight”

so this guy behind her, whom no one was talking to, for some fucking reason says “wathing your weight? but what about the wait for your watch?“ (which is a completely unhinged response. like just complete Mad Hatter nonsense)

anyway this lady gets really uncomfortable and of the five people (me, him, her, the other checker, and the customer at the other register) who were now sucked into the uncomfortable silence, i decided that i should alleviate the tension by saying “you can’t wait for a watch; you don’t have the time”

and then he said “oh, quick girl!”, gave me that pen, got out of line, and left without ordering anything 

You pleased a mad fae trickster

you solved his fucking riddle is what you did



We all know quails as those dough bodied little birds with a single dongle growing out of their heads. But did you know that the California quail [Callipepla californica] also likes to roll in the dirt? The act of dust bathing is a communal activity that helps the quails keep their feathers clean from parasites, and is so enjoyed by them that some ornithologists can tell when a quail has been nearby just by looking for the craters left behind after a quail has finished its “bath”. Images by

Gerald and Buff Corsi.

Sparrows do this too. It’s neat to watch them fluff around.






Bugs Bunny could singlehandedly defeat Thanos by dressing up as a TSA agent and setting up a metal detector in the middle of the battlefield saying that all metal objects must be removed if you want to pass on through now stick around for my 2,000 word essay on just how effectively he would convince The Mad Titan to comply

“For shame, doc! Dontcha know we got other folks waiting?”

(Thanos looks behind him and sees dozens of Bugs Bunnies dressed as angry yelling travelers with huge bags of luggage. Thanos rubs his neck guiltily and begins sliding off the gauntlet)

I felt compelled

I don’t think I’ve seen such a finely crafted Looney Toons joke in over two decades. Bravo.

It’s so easy to hear it in his voice, too!