The hickory horned devil (Citheronia regalis) is the largest caterpillar species in North America, and quite possibly the world. They can grow up to 6 inches in length. Their spines are a deterrent to predators but do not sting. (xxxx)
The hickory horned devil is the larval stage of the regal moth, seen below:
This is the best thing ever. Look at that cartoon! OMG I love it. And in the video, when the chick pulls itself up to its full height even though it’s basically still just a little donut! Thank you, @theredheadinquestion and @riorothbates!
(NB: plot of the book is nothing like the movies. But Tennant has several cameos in the movies on the strength of it, due to the unwritten Hollywood belief that Vikings ought to sound roary and Scottish)
Czart – a relic of ancient times, although very rare even this days you can still meet some of them in less populated and wild places of Eastern Europe. Often near to the places of the ancient pagan temples and cults. They eat cows and sheep, try to avoid people, for unknown reasons they are really afraid of cats…
A new study from the United Way
claims that 43% of American households are in a status called “asset
limited, income constrained, employed” (ALICE), which denotes employed
people who can’t afford housing, food, childcare, healthcare,
transportation, and a cellphone – the basics of modern living.
Umair Haque (previously) connects this to the idea of America as the world’s first poor rich country,
a country that is awash in wealth, yet so unequal that nearly half its
residents sink deeper into debt every month – and most Americans die in
As Haque says, if you work hard all your life and die with no assets, no
savings, and debt, that’s not employment, it’s serfdom. America’s
former middle class have now hit the limits of their ability to survive
with stagnating wages by taking on debt secured by their meager assets
– the family home, pensions and so on. Now, Americans are both kinds of
poor: asset-poor and wage-poor. Americans aren’t poor because they
don’t work hard enough: they’re poor no matter how hard they work.
And unlike poor people in countries like Pakistan or Nigeria, American
poor people live in a country where things like childcare, medicine,
rent and food are very, very expensive. American poor people are poorer
than the poor people in poor countries.