Concept: Sam finds out elves can die of sadness, gets very concerned, starts doing his best to make sure Mr Legolas is happy all the time just in case
This causes a terrible dilemma when Legolas expresses that he’d prefer not to be addressed as Mr Legolas and Sam doesn’t want to risk upsetting him but also that goes against everything he knows.
There was an idea, called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles we never could.
It’s a fine line to tread when you’re breeding your phoenix. A swan is good:
Like Cleopatra, he burns upon the water
Equal parts beauty and danger
Full of Secrets
But take it a few genes to the left and you’ve got a GOOSE
A raptor if raptors were total idiots
Neither beauty nor grace
Full of Hate
Has so much poop for you
(Make no mistake, a swan will mess you up just as hard as a goose. But it is the difference between being slain with a katana and getting whacked with a bag of old potatoes.)
Oh my God someone actually drew a Good Version of my Dubious Penguin????? And THEN someone added a sweonix (swan phoenix)? Oh man, this is the stuff you miss when you’re in the middle of a reblog chain.
@english-history-trip that is some powerful art, and I respect the trip that it represents from the sublime to the absurd, for in this journey we find enlightenment.
@keire-ke your magnificent penguin art represents the other side of the journey, which takes us from the absurd to the powerful. In this journey we find truth.
According to some sources, the legend of the phoenix might be derived from another bird noted for it’s striking appearance and who, indeed, are of the order Phoenicopterus
You know what birds those are?
Just saying…. if someone wanted to try ANOTHER take on Fawkes….
This is terrible and I feel like I should apologise, but really, it’s @iconuk01‘s fault.
Also I am not a certified Birb artist.
A Cassowaenix
What’s your definition of better? Cause I think this peaked at the shoebill.
crowley, dressed in little shorts and glitter on his way to the big june parade: pride is a SIN aziraphale, this is for WORK
aziraphale, putting on a nice rainbow bowtie to go join him: well it is a festival for love after all…
i couldn’t help myself
it’s one of Those Shirts because those shirts are awful and also hilarious and crowley probably invented them
[id: a sketch of crowley and aziraphale. crowley has one elbow propped on aziraphale’s shoulder and he’s facing away from the camera, glancing over his shoulder. he’s wearing one of those tank tops with armpit holes that go down to the ribcage that says BE GAY DO CRIMES on the back, and booty shorts that say PRIDE. he is covered in glitter. aziraphale is primly adjusting a rainbow bowtie and looking fondly at crowley. end id]
Listen I know I just reblogged the text post version but listen, this is HIGH ART