My super advanced mapmaking technique – a handful of dice makes the map nice
interesting method
My question is do the die affect topography any or just set the borders?
I imagine it’s up to the person making the map. But maybe the more dice in a single spot, the more mountainous or forested the area. Maybe choose a few dice to be deemed cities, and some dice for ruins.
Maybe let the dice choose, like a nat 20 would be the world capital, and 10’s would be mountains or something like that.
1-5: Plains and fields
6-8: Forests
9-11: Mountains
12-14: Tundras and snow covered lands
15-17: Farms and towns
18-19: Larger cities
20: Capitals and castles
what would happing if all the dice landed on a 20?
then you have a very busy continent
not all of those are d20s though, so you’d have to come up with another method for the other ones
Adjusted for all dice you might have
1-5: Plains and fields
6-8: Forests
9-11: Mountains
12-14: Tundras and snow covered lands
15-17: Farms and towns
18-19: Larger cities
20: Capitals and castles
1-3: Plains and fields
4-6: Forests
7-8: Mountains
9-10: Tundras and snow covered lands
11: Farms and towns
12: Larger cities
1-3: Plains and fields
4-6: Forests
7-8: Mountains
9: Tundras and snow covered lands
10: Farms and towns
1-4: Plains and fields
5-6: Forests
7: Mountains
8: Tundras and snow covered lands
1-3: Plains and fields
4: Forests
5-6: Mountains
1-2: Plains and fields
3: Forests
4: Mountains
Holy shit. Definitely using this.
I swore at how simple this motherfucking thing is. You’re all bastards and i love you.
i.e. why when you or someone else gets stabbed or impaled, you should leave the object in the wound until medical help arrives.
THIS. RIGHT HERE. This is an amazing example!!
If you take the thing out, they’re going to bleed a lot more.
News Flash from the Medical Help ™ — we don’t touch it either! Unless the object they’re impaled with is literally too big to fit in the ambulance, We. Don’t. Touch. The. Thing.
The only people qualified to Take-The-Thing-Out are surgeons. End of story.
Okay, but for the love of God, please, PLEASE, if you did, if you panicked and took the thing out…. DON’T…. PUT IT BACK IN.
Or else, congratulations, you just stabbed them AGAIN. I reeeeeally shouldn’t have to say this guys, but I do.
Geese and pigs and turkeys and ducks and goats and cows are oh so gentle uwu I love to bully my cows and especially mature intact bulls owo
Never thought I’d see geese described as gentle.
Ladies and gentlegeese…
Husband has a scar 2mm from his jugular from a rabbit, every time I have to catch a turkey I come out looking like I lost a cage match, goats have SPEARS on their HEADS.
And what about chickens? Like, these were animals domesticated for farming but also for blood sports because they are Murder Birbs that Love To Fight. Also, bullying is the Chicken Nation’s national sport. There is a wikiHow article on how to deal with being attacked by roosters because they’re just like that.
Chickens are dumb but they are not gentle, they have leg knives and the pointy face and a species wide thirst for blood.
The acts of domestication literally tames the animal that’s part of what… the word … domestication… means…
I mean, absolutely fair, that is literally the process. I guess I was just commenting on the implied idea that chickens (which, I love) are uwu soft frens which, no.
(still not convinced that’s what happened with geese, I think we fucked up there…I’ve seen wild greylags and domestic geese and hoo boy give me a wild one any day)
@systlin I finally rounded up most of the family rocks. From the top left we got:
1. A bigass lump of quartz. She lives outside with her bff-
2. An even bigger lump of iron rich granite.
3. This very smooth and shiny green rock that was in the local river. Looks kind of like ‘india onyx’ but IDK
4. This orange rock that I always think is a mushroom cap. It moves in and outdoors as it pleases.
5. This collection of very shiny river pebbles from the terrible campground in Ohio. They’re always way hotter than I’d expect when I pick them up. Then again, Ohio is a timeshare of hell.
6. These rocks were on the AC unit when I came home last summer. I don’t know where they can from or what they do but they’re always in a group.
7. Madame Obsidian, holding the back door open.
8. This rock was 50 cents at a rock shop I thought I hallucinated in southern Nevada, until I got home and found him in the trunk.
9. Whatever this aesthetic triangle is. His name is Chadwick, we found him at a rest stop in Nebraska. He takes over door duty for the obsidian sometimes.
10. This heavy, translucent ????? That my sister found in Oregon and keeps in the bathroom for ritual purposes.
1. I love all of them
2. The translucent ??? is calcite!
How do you tell calcite from selenite becuase it looks more like the latter on google images?
I can scratch it with my fingernail, so I think it’s selenite!
Bartender: thanks for stopping that bar fight, spiderman. Can I get you a drink? It’s on the house
Peter: thank you, but I can’t
Bartender: why not
Peter, trying not to give his age away: I’m pregnant
Bartender, shook: oh, congratulations, boy or girl?
Peter, now in full-on panic mode: it’s an uh, spider
I’m seeing stuff in the notes about “Miles would do this” and I just want to say: you’re absolutely right. All Spider-folks across all universes share one (1) singular brain cell and most of the time it’s Gwen’s.
As the current author of Spider-Gwen, I can attest that Gwen has not seen the brain cell in years.
What I get from this is that Gwen was the last known person to have the brain cell and has lost it.
Why Movies About College are Actually Full of Shit.
This is very important because my brother and I grew up thinking college was like this. Like we would live out a beer commercial.
And when I got to college and it DIDN’T happen, it stressed me out. I thought I was doing something wrong again. I had, apparently, messed up high school according to the media, and now college?! The supposed best time of my life?! It created a big depression, and living far from home made it worse as I had no friends or family I could immediately talk to. It took a long time for me to understand that movies and commercials and shows that portray college like that is complete and utter bullshit.
Also, a reminder:
Most Americans don’t have college degrees. Of the ones who do, tons of them don’t finish in four years.
Lots of people go to community colleges.
Lots of people live at their parents’ house while in school.
The TV and movie stereotype of college–even just the “everyone goes to college and lives in a dorm” thing–only a tiny minority of Americans actually live that out.
This is one of my favorite posts because that cat’s fucking name is fucking meatloaf
Let us just appreciate that this person’s dad didn’t know when they would be home and so he couldn’t plan for them to be able to join the family for dinner, but he knew with no doubts that dear sweet Meatloaf staying in that exact position for hours was an absolute in this scenario. Truly, that cat was named well.
one of my favorite posts on tumblr over the course of 5 fucking years.. clearly i need a life
Meatloaf is a reliable cat and did not steal the money for selfish reasons. A rare friend.