how I sleep at night knowing my daughter is in a prison of my own design because I turned her into a murderer, my son is abandoned on a notorious garbage realm, and my other son is having an identity crisis because they are from a race I taught them from a young age to hate:
me when i’m in a food coma after eating one 2 many chicken fajitas from chili’s
Anthony Hopkins after eating too many chicken fajitas after Tom brings him to Chili’s
he looks like he was photoshopped into a bowl of boiling soup
I think my favourite part of the Thor trilogy is how at the end of dark world we saw this
And we all just went “OH SHIT!!! LOKI’S KING!!! EVERYONE’S FUCKED!!!” But then Ragnarok rolled around and it turns out all he does is
Watch plays of himself and
Build big statues like hot damn the avengers really wasted a whole movie tryna stop this bitch when they could have just written him a play and built him a statue and he would’ve been satisfied
He also built rails on the bridge so people would stop falling off of it.
All the man wants is some entertainment and basic safety.
Imagine being Heimdall and having a spirit so generous that you could sincerely say “welcome home” to the individual who once turned you into an icicle and is now showing up 15 minutes late without Starbucks to the apocalypse that he sort of started.