the most relatable moment in film history is from Star Trek: Generations when Riker asks a newly-emotional Data to scan for life forms and Data just has A Moment in the middle of the bridge because he can’t contain how much he enjoys life forms
I don’t know and this question has haunted me for my entire life.
Oh! Hey! Thing I know! Ok can you snap your fingers? One on both hand? Can you make a clap sound by smacking your palm on to your fist? If you answered yes too all of these then I’m about to teach you my favorite fidget!
So the basics is snapping one hand, then the other, and finishing it off with a clap. EZPZ🍋ska-weezy. I usually just let my non dominant hand do it’s snap and just sit their waiting to get clapped on. Just work on your rhythm until it sounds like a fleshy horse gallop almost.
Now if you want to do it like my sweet innocent bot Data here, all you gotta do it wait a half beat after the first clap, and do to more claps. “Life fooorms *SNAPSNAPCLAP, CLAP CLAP” like that.
My personal favorite variant of this fidget is snapping twice on each hand, once on the ring finger, once on the rude boy middle finger. 4 snaps, 1 clap, sounds like a fleshy firecracker.
Alas, I cannot snap using my left hand. Data’s incredibly-satisfying-looking gesture is forever just beyond my grasp.
IDK if there are many Post Modern Jukebox fans here, but I just found out about them this afternoon and I have a deep, burning, all-consuming need for them to do an interpretation of Phantom Of The Opera because:
1. How fucking AWESOME would PotO be re-imagined as a prohibition-era speakeasy instead of an opera house? That’d be rad as shit and PMJ has got the talent and connections to do it
2. I also desperately need to see The Phantom as played by Puddles Pity Party.
3. I’m not joking he has the voice of an Angel Of Music. His take on Music Of The Night will proably actually make me cry it’s gonna be that good.
4. also, please imagine the line where Phantom appears with “Look at your face in the mirror- I AM THERE INSIIIIIIIDE!!” and Puddles Pity Party is there.