Tag: pac-man



So this was the first comic I made, published exactly ten years ago: December 29, 2008.

Port Sherry was to feature mostly video-game related comics, like Penny Arcade (or to be more precise, a by then already defunct strip called Eegra Hilarity Comics, by Patrick Alexander). At some point I believe it was going to be called Infinite Lives. I found out quickly that I didn’t have the time or money to keep up with the gaming scene, so I just started making comics on whatever caught my fancy. And I guess that has remained as a descriptor to this day.

It seems pompous to devote a space to mark the date, the number, my credit and even a dedication. Truth is, I made a mess of the layout and ended up with a blank space I needed to fill somehow (this happened a lot in my early comics). I see it now as important information, however: on that day, I made the first of 638 comics, on not even my own domain, using my real name. But more importantly, my wife Sara, who met and married me long before either of us knew I had any of this in me, had been, since day one, the biggest supporter, fan and believer of Port Sherry. It is true now as it was 10 years ago: none of this would exist without her. Thank you, my beautiful princess. Here’s to ten more and beyond.
(We’ll cut through the treacle before the year ends, I promise.)

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