Tag: Pain is pain


“You don’t have to be carrying the heaviest burden for your struggle to matter. It doesn’t matter if other people have it “worse”. It doesn’t matter if they’ve lost more or hurt for longer.
It doesn’t matter if someone with your same struggle is more debilitated or has less resources.
If something is painful for you, then it’s painful for you.
And if it affects you, it’s important and it matters.
There’s no rule that only the person with the worst possible circumstances gets to vocalize their pain. Your struggle isn’t “easier” or “more difficult”. It’s just different, because people are different. You have different strengths and limitations and access to resources. You have a different history and lived experience. Your tolerance for hardship is allowed to look different. Pain is pain. No matter what it looks like. And no matter how your experience compares to anyone else’s,
your feelings are valid and your struggle is still real.
Even if your life holds a lot of beauty. Even if your cup is full and your days are blessed. You’re allowed to be affected.
You’re allowed to hurt.
You’re allowed to feel broken and sad.
And you deserve a space to talk about it.

Daniell Koepke