Tag: Pain severity




[Image: A screenshot of a post that says FATIGUE SCALE

10. Can barely move. Can’t talk.

9. Can barely move. Can talk.

8. Can move, but can’t do much more than watch TV.

7. Can watch TV and play a game on my phone simultaneously. 

6. Can do work on my computer lying in bed.

5. Can get around the house, but definitely couldn’t go out.

4. Can run a light errand.

3. Can get in my 10,000 steps for the day, making my fitbit happy.

2. Can do three or more activities in a single day.


Blue text at the bottom credits the post to www.mistreated.org @MissKatieErnst

End image description.]

8 right now (2 earlier). Spent most of the past two years 3-4 on my good days and 11 on my bad days (11: completely immobile). Now I’m usually around a 2.

Also for those who haven’t seen it, the actually useful pain scale:

I use the pain scale for emotional pain, every day. I’m currently at a 4, touching up against a 5. That’s better than the 8 to 10 I’ve been experiencing for months, and I’m grateful for it.