there aren’t enough posts going around about the swedish cryptid known as the skvader which is a rabbit with pheasant wings and also a very good boy.
like this one dude just made a fake taxidermy and spread it around as a hoax for a good ass while and it lead to this really cool fantasy creature and i am genuinely dissapointed that it never gets used in anything
Rabbirds, by the amazing @tkingfisher/Ursula Vernon (source).
The lack of skvaders is particularly frustrating when you realize it forms the third point of a wonderful cryptid trifecta.
You got the jackalopes, which are rabbits with antlers.
And you got the wolpertingers, which are rabbits with antlers and wings.
And then… what? Do you escalate? That’s unbalanced, those two rabbit cryptids don’t have the same number of extra things, the wolpertinger is clearly the jackalope But More.
BUT with the skvader on the other side, balance is restored. Antler rabbit, winged rabbit, winged antler rabbit. It’s a classic Venn diagram of imaginary lapine beasts, and it’s only complete if you acknowledge the fucking skvader.
Good thing Ursula’s got our back, at least.
This is a really excellent point and I applaud your advancements in Cryptid Theory.
Gentleman, if I might add:
yes you may add this
I think balance in crypdids is VERY IMPORTANT.
I like this post because as a pre-internet child I really believed jackalopes were a real thing from going out west to visit family (I was naïve and maybe gullible). Learning about this many more cryptids really warms my soul.
i like never add to posts but these r from my town and i wanted to show our pride and joy: on top of the towns mountain is a HUGE skvadern slide for all the kids to enjoy…. there’s a tube if u enter its head… cryptozoology for the whole family!
@elodieunderglass I wasn’t going to tag you until I saw the venn diagram
I love wolpertingers – I saw one in a ripley’s believe it or not museum as a child and was profoundly affected by it.
Those appear to be bird tracks rather than bunny tracks! Ergo, it was a bird hopping and then taking off, not a bunny getting taken away!
oh my god thank you phoenix wright
yeah those aren’t bunny tracks.
Forgive my sceptism, but why would a bird with a supposedly wide wingspan hop around in the snow in the first place when tree branches would suffice in the beginning?
Feel free to explain that.
I’ll be real I don’t know much about Phoenix Wright. But! I do know a lot about birds.
The mighty ptarmagin! Practically a feathered rabbit, these magnificent creatures are built for the snow.
Look at those boots! Wonderfully feathered. They spend most of their time as little snow lumps.
In fact, they’re very well known for the above phenomenon.