Tag: rape









“because a 16 year old girl who had her first orgasm whilst getting raped, had to watch her 34 year old rapist go free because she had an orgasm.

because when one of my guy friends told me and some friends he got raped by a woman when he was 12, a “friend” laughed at him and told him he should be happy he got laid that young.

because my 17 year old friend’s parents let her 14 year old brother roam the streets until 12am, but she has to be home by 10.

Because my brothers girlfriend, told the police she was raped and fell pregnant but the rapist didn’t get jail time as she got an abortion and the ‘evidence’ was gone.

because a guy from my old school was raped by another guy, but because he’s gay, they said it wasn’t considered rape.

because a 19 year old lesbian got raped by a guy, and he didn’t go to prison because he said “he only tried to turn her straight so she would be accepted by her parents”.

because in some cultures, girls (and boys, of course) still get thrown out of the family because somebody sexually assaulted them.

because they’re still teaching girls to walk faster at night instead of teaching boys that they shouldn’t rape.

Because they’re teaching kids that they’re only male rapists and not female rapists too.

because I have to explain why rape makes me mad.“

If you excuse rape for any reason stay the fuck away from me because you are literally a peice of human refuse.

I’ve reblogged this before but he’ll im doing it again

Rape is not, and never will be sex. Rape is the same as a punch in the face, rape is assault.




I just wanna add that last year at school we were finally taught a class on how to recognize signs of abuse in relationships and what to do in situations where you might get assaulted, but what I loved the most about it is that the book we got included every type of abuse in romantic relationships (including rape and a clear example of what is and isn’t rape, effectively teaching both guys and girls not to rape or abuse their partner (or strangers) and how to avoid it happening to them if at all possible) as well as same sex examples instead of it always being a guy acting abusive towards his girlfriend (there were also examples where the girl was abusive towards her boyfriend, that way having an example for almost every type of relationship).

Also, this wasn’t all just physical abuse either. It also taught what verbal abuse is and how subtle it can be + what it does to the victim AND how to recognize when you or your partner is being manipulative (one of the examples here was a girl wanting to break up with her girlfriend but couldn’t because her girlfriend kept threatening self harm and even suicide if she did, but there were less extreme examples as well).

All in all it is a fantastic book as it doesn’t just teach when you are being abused, but it also teaches you how to recognize when you are being abusive.

It saddens me both that it has taken this long for this to finally be taught here, but also that this isn’t something you’re going to learn at school in a less progressive country.

It doesn’t matter what kind of “justification” or “intention” they had. If it was non-consensual, it was wrong, awful, and illegal. Rape is possibly one of the worst things that can happen to someone and shouldn’t ever be justified.

Cool motive! Still murder rape.