I really wish I could find an audio version of the Poetic Edda and the others. Reading is difficult and listening, I just absorb so much more.
But! It needs to be read, so the next hour is reading <3
This act is in honor of Odin in seeking wisdom and knowledge through learning.
it won’t let me ping you for some reason Aerieadne!! But there are audiobooks for the Eddas
Tales from Norse Mythology
The Prose Edda
The Poetic (elder) Edda
These are all in English
There’s also this guy! Also in English.
Tag: resources
Since its more important for us to learn about fell organelles than how to pay bills and such do you know any resources? Think I saw u say that you had some may be wrong.
How to stop a hangover (personally I just make sure I eat before I drink and I drink a lot of water while I’m drinking, but there’s some other good tips on this link)
Eating on a small budget – how to make your food taste better and look good (videos)
Stretches to maintain mobility if you’ve got a stationary job
A really good list of stuff to take if you’re moving into your first solo flat/apartment
Excellent soundscape/white noise generators
Resources for when you can’t afford therapy (depending on your country there might be physical clinics you can go to that aren’t super expensive as well)
BetterHelp (online counselling – also has programmes that work with your insurance or subsidise you if you can’t afford the full price)
Actually that whole blog from the link above is really good
I can’t help you with tax stuff etc, because it varies from country to country, but there are great resources out there on the internet if you just look for them.
Crisis Helplines (there are more if you need them, just google.)
An NZ-specific list of crisis helplines
7 Cups of Tea (easy, relaxed and safe chatting with people – great if you need non-critical advice)
shit you should care about (a fantastic self-care-esque facebook page that lets you know about stuff you should care about)