Tag: Rutger Bregman

Tucker Carlson thought anti-elite historian would be an easy interview, but ended up telling him “go fuck yourself”


You may have seen the Dutch historian Rutger Bregman in a viral video
last month, in which he appeared on a panel at the World Economic Forum
in Davos and berated the attendees for their tax-evasion
and insisted that no amount of philanthropy can make up for starving
the state of the money it needs to provide for everyone under democratic

The net-fame earned Bregman an invitation to appear on Tucker Carlson’s show, presumably as part of the wave of extremely selective right-wing interest in trustbusting and railing against elites.

But Bregman was capable of understanding that just because Carlson
thought he was on Bregman’s side, it didn’t follow that Bregman should
be on Carlson’s side, especially not after Carlson’s years of carrying
water for sinister, manipulative, pro-monopoly billionaires like Rupert
Murdoch and David Koch.

So Bregman lit into Carlson, calling him a “millionaire funded by billionaires” who was “part of the problem.”

Carlson lost his shit, flipped out, called Bregman a “moron”
and a “tiny brain” and told him to “go fuck yourself,” adding that he
“tried to give you a hearing but you were too fucking annoying.”

Predictably, Carlson never aired the segment, but thankfully Bregman made his own recording and leaked it to Now This news, and it’s online for all to see.
