Tag: Shadowban?




Get yourself un-shadowbanned
That post seems to be going around a bit but not the reblog on how to fix it, so here’s another

  • Go to postlimit, put in your blog name, TAKE A SCREENSHOT
  • Go to tumblr support and file a support ticket. Category: Blog incorrectly marked explicit. Details: posts hidden from search results. Attach the screenshot. Do this even if you’ve already filed a support ticket N days ago without a screenshot. Make sure the relevant blog is chosen and you have the right contact email address.

They got back to me within an hour.

Seriously – follow this. I was shadow-banned, and they fixed it within seconds.

Not an exaggeration – I got the “we received your ticket” and “we’ve fixed it” e-mail in the same minute.

ok I filled this support form out TWICE without hearing back from staff for weeks, but literally the second i sent the form with the screenshot the problem was resolved – there is clearly some sort of bot checking for attachments so this is a genuinely good solution if you’ve been shadowbanned