DM: So, now that the rogue managed to get the rubies out without electrocuting himself, you can see inside and see a button inside.
Magus: I’m the only one who sees this?
DM: You were the only one who asked to look instead of looting.
Magus: I stand there and stare at the button for a long time. I am sweating intensely. My +4 intelligence is telling me all the bad things that could happen, but my chaotic an curious nature are fighting against it.
DM: So?
Magus: Fuck it I press it.
DM: You hear a click but nothing happens.
Magus: Despite knowing that that button could’ve resulted in my death in many ways, I feel disappointed it didn’t do anything.
Paladin: Its okay, I understand the need to press mysterious buttons.
Magus: How can I NOT when I don’t know what they do! I need to know!
Paladin: Especially if they’re red and or on a panel that says do not touch.
Magus (loudly): EXACTLY!
-After beating a giant rat to find a large cache of cheese-
Rogue: Cheese…that’s all? Paladin: Doesn’t sound like you’re having a gouda day. Ranger: I don’t see your problem, cheese is grate. Cleric: I don’t disabrie. DM: Rogue, make a will saving throw. Rogue: ….6. DM: You take 5 points of damage and have disadvantage on your will saving throws until you take a rest
Backstory: The party is creeping through the city sewers, trying to find a bunch of little killer golems (think Mousers from TMNT). The ranger has a map of the sewer that includes marks for trapped areas. One such trap is a pressure plate with a barely discernible “X” on the surface. The party is single file along the side of a narrow sewer walkway.
Caven, our Ranger (whispers to Cleric): “Don’t step on the ‘X’! Pass it on!” Cleric (whispers to Sorceress): “Caven says don’t step on the X, pass it on!” Sorceress (whispers to Rogue): “Caven says to step on the X, pass it on!” Rogue: “Wait, what about Caven’s ex?” Warlock: “Caven’s having sex? Dude, we’re in a sewer!”
DM (me): “Very funny. So you can all move around the trap and-” Warlock: “What, no, that was totally in character. We set off the trap.” DM: “ … … .”