This documentation of a barely-known species of small wild felid is incredible – it’s potentially the first active Chinese mountain cat den ever found! As documented in a recent blog post, a researcher working on a crane conservation project took photos of what he thought was a Tibetan fox, only to discover later that he’d actually photographed a cat so rare it was only discovered as a species in 2007! Researchers returned to the site later and were ecstatic to find that the cat was a mother with two young kittens. The placed a camera trap close to one of the den entrances and was able to record multiple days worth of footage before the family moved on.
Chinese mountain cats (Felis bieti) live in a very small, high-altitude range in remote northern China. They’re well-adapted to the harsh weather at those heights, with a stocky build and thick fur in the winter, and are often called “grass cats” by locals because they blend into the the dry grass of the alpine meadow habitats where they’re most often observed. What little information we have about these elusive felids comes mostly from observations by herders whose livestock graze in those meadows. The IUCN lists that no substantive knowledge has been gained about Chinese mountain cats since 2010, so this new footage from Shan Shui Conservation Center is a major contribution to the scientific understanding of the species.
Doesn’t require mowing! Mosses are non vascular so they never grow tall enough to need mowing
Low maintainance- see above
Improving theair qualityaround you- mosses can metaboliseand absorb a variety of airborn pollutants!
Massively improving your home’s Cottagecore and fairytale vibes, I mean look at it it’s beautiful
Looking online I’ve learned that this is a thing! And it’s actually been popular in Japan for hundreds of years!
That makes me really happy actually because if you know me you’ll know I love moss, not only is it cool af but 12 square metres of moss lawn can apparently absorb as much carbon as 275 mature trees. Stunning and brave.
As we all know it’s much easier to work with nature than against it, we’re all busy and tired and maybe… maybe just let the moss have this one? It’s beautiful.
in all my life, I have never encountered such an astounding act of trolling as the time I spent an hour and a half downloading what I thought was a Good Omens fanmix and then discovering that it was a Best of Queen album.
i… wow.
that’s beautiful.
is that trolling or is that just an accurate fanmix
Third option: it WAS a Good Omens fanmix, but someone left it in the car too long.
‘I wrote this little monologue which is really a kind of pastiche of other things I’d done in ‘Avengers’. And then I just sort of improvised it. I’ve got to be honest; I was waiting backstage and I just heard that every single X-Men who has ever walked the earth had been on stage before and I was a little nervous. And I thought Well, hopefully if I just commit to it, it’ll go well. And I thought, I could always get them to chant my name if it doesn’t work. And I walked out, and the very first thing they started doing was chant my name. And that was really surprising… I felt a kind of adrenaline rush like I’ve never felt.’