As a self-respecting Twin Peaks fan seduced by the PNW, I’ve been to Twede’s Cafe, the real-life setting for the Double R Diner, a few times. It breaks my heart that their cherry pie is atrocious. It’s absolutely the worst pie I’ve ever eaten. Logically, I understand that they could sell wedges of cardboard to customers and they would stay comfortably in business (this is hardly hyperbole), but… just think! They could sell good pies. They could sell great pies.
I’ve spoken to people who have gone to Twede’s Cafe and walked away pleased with their slices of cherry pies and my heart has broken for them, over and over. These are people who have never eaten a good pie in all their years and go through life without knowing the taste of pie that’s actually worthwhile. There are pies that spark delight! There are pies you remember! Once you have eaten a real pie, all others taste like sawdust and misery and can only be choked down with a great deal of self-control and determination. I want to take everyone who has ever enjoyed a “pie” at Twede’s Cafe by the hand and lead them into my kitchen for an initiation ritual into self-respect. Do not lose hope. There are good pies out there, waiting for you—they’re real and you can find them if you are patient.
I could give you a recipe but I don’t think it would help. Baking is a science, but making a pie is a spiritual experience. You have to listen to the ingredients as you make it or else it won’t turn out right. In order to bake a good pie, you have to know it before it exists, like a sculpture, or a painting on a canvas. Before you can create a great pie, you must experience pie. I am giving you a quest: accept it, and go forth into the world seeking One Great Pie (you will know it when you meet it), or live forever in the eternal darkness of the forsaken tongue.
when i was a little girl i wanted to be harry potter. not hermione, i did loved her, but i wanted to be harry. the hero, the chosen one, the special one. when i saw star wars, i wanted to be luke skywalker. the gentle hero, the beacon of hope. when i saw iron man, i wanted to be tony stark. the one that learns from his mistakes and works on being a better version of himself.
i didn’t need to be a boy to be able to feel powerful and inspired by their stories. when i saw wonder woman, and when i now see captain marvel, i feel capable, powerful. i feel like kindness, empathy, wit, perseverance, all traditionally feminine traits, are all qualities that define a hero. i love that they’re women. but that’s only a part of what makes them powerful.
when men say they can’t relate to ww or cm, they are the problem. i see heroes. i see role models. if i see steve rogers and i see a hero, but they can only see carol danvers from a distance and as a pair of boobs, they are the problem.
let’s not pretend otherwise. they need to learn that heroes come in all genders, shapes and sizes. it’s time to tell their stories. it’s time to teach little boys to love heroes like captain marvel, the same way i loved harry potter.
This is part of why art that depicts the female experience is so important because on one hand for women and girls it allows us to go ‘oh I have that experience too’ and those that aren’t in our bodies can look at it and go ‘wait, that happens to you?’ // Brie Larson for Yahoo
I think it’s hilarious that this interviewer dude honestly thinks some gross guy telling us to smile is uncommon enough for them to have to go in after the fact and add a scene in that depicts that experience.
BIOLOGY: so, colors- LINED CHITON: i wanna be pink… BIOLOGY: nice! you graze on coralline algae so good choi- LINED CHITON: …with zig zags… BIOLOGY: huh interest- LINED CHITON: …ELECTRIC BLUE ZIG ZAGS! BIOLOGY: wait wha- LINED CHITON: WOOOOOOOOO!!!
(the lined chiton is still wooing, this time for all of your love and support)
He totally thought wednesday could lift him i’m dead
Honestly she probably could have.
The Addamses may well be the healthiest, most functional family unit to ever grace the small screen.
I think I’ve told this story before, but I read an article a long time ago that they asked children who watched this show why they loved it. They expected answers to be about how they like the weird, slightly creepy stuff. But no, most of the kids answered that it was because the Mommy and Daddy loved each other so much.
Harry Potter AU in which Fred and George are in different houses and they steal and wear each others ties whilst doing stupid things in hope of the others house losing points
Finally a Fred and George AU that doesn’t make me want to set myself on fire.
AU where Fred and George are in different houses and they get their hands on house ties from the other two houses as well. By the end of their first year nobody knows which house either of them is in and just take points off a random house whenever they see a redhead getting up to something.
The confusion runs so deep by the time Ron starts that Snape once takes points off Slytherin for Ron fighting with Malfoy.
There’s a few months in Fred and George’s second year when they successfully convince most of the school that they’re actually quadruplets, one in each house.